Join a Pro-Life Activism Trip

Help Students for Life Action to Make a Difference for Life


Students for Life Action conducts activism throughout the year to make a difference for LIFE!

Our election and legislative efforts include door-to-door canvassing, personal text messages, phone calls, lobbying legislators, internships and more.

Join an SFLAction Activism event or project to make history, make memories, and make a real difference for preborn babies in your state.

Host a Political Leadership Workshop in your area to train up an army to advance the cause of Life.

The following is an interest form. SFLAction staff will contact you and connect you with the opportunities in your area for activism.

Please note that only students over 18 years old may join us for multi-day trips with an overnight stay, but students under 18 are welcome to knock with us during the day if they are local! 

Thank you for willingness to stand for life!