Political Leadership Workshop

Roe v. Wade has been reversed and 50 individual state battles over abortion have since commenced! But one of the biggest challenges we’ll face may not be one you expect. 

It’s politicians turning their backs on the pro-life movement. 

Elected officials often say one thing at pro-life events or on the campaign trail, but they too frequently break their promises once in office. With the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe, we need to hold self-proclaimed pro-life politicians accountable to their campaign promises to protect life. 

Students for Life Action is now offering a special, one-day, advanced training session called the Political Leadership Workshop.

You will learn…

  1. The REAL nature of politics, politicians, & why it takes more than voter education to achieve policy change.
  2. Why small groups of dedicated activists can and do win.
  3. Why you will never be politically respected until you are politically feared.
  4. How to build a group that is feared by politicians on the wrong side of the life issue.
  5. The greatest lie ever told in politics and how the political class uses that lie (and your convictions) against you.
  6. How to pick good political fights.
  7. How to put together a legislative project, get a bill sponsor, & force a roll call vote despite opposition.
  8. How to hold politicians accountable for their actions (or lack of action).


Fill out the form below to request a Political Leadership Workshop at your school!


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