In his second and final Senate confirmation hearing, President Donald Trump’s nominee, Robert Kennedy Jr., masterfully testified on his experience and vision in hope of being confirmed to lead the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). In the process, he gave great hope to the pro-life movement.
One of the takeaways from the hearing was that RFK Jr. gave his word not to fund studies using baby stem cells and agreed to lead research on the safety of mifepristone, one of the two drugs in the chemical abortion pill cocktail regime.
Surrounded by a room of both political adversaries and political allies, RFK remained poised and collected throughout the interrogation, unscathed by the volatile attacks on his character, experience and his vision to Make America Heathy Again.
Overall, there were many pro-life promises made in the hearing. When Sen. Tim Scott asked RFK Jr. if he would hire any pro-life experts for HHS, RFK Jr. responded by saying that he would.
Sen. Hawley picked up the torch for Life, leading the conversation to find out where RFK Jr. stands on the following abortion-related policies:
- RFK Jr. agreed that he would reinstate Trump’s policy prohibiting taxpayer funding for fetal tissue research
- RFK Jr. agreed to reinstate the Title X rule preventing taxpayer funded funding of overseas abortion
- RFK Jr. said that Trump has not yet chosen his policy on mifepristone, but said he would implement President Trump’s policies on chemical abortion
Shortly after the discourse with Sen. Hawley, Sen. Rochester pushed RFK Jr. on his abortion position, asking if he is opposed to abortion to save a mother’s life or for miscarriage, to which RFK said no.
But the truth is abortion is never medically necessary. Unfortunately, the mainstream media lied to the public about this during the 2024 election to fearmonger them into supporting pro-abortion candidates and policies.
Newsflash: The law already requires that women’s lives be saved.
“All 50 states require life-saving care for pregnant mothers..” said Students for Life Action (SFLAction) President Kristan Hawkins.
Doctors should not play God. They should not choose one patient and kill the other tiny patient in the womb. In fact, they take an oath against this kind of violence. When they are sworn in, doctors take the Hippocratic Oath, vowing to do no harm to their patients. This vow should protect the weakest and most vulnerable in the womb from violence.
Upon hearing this lie about the life of the mother, one of the doctors in the Senate hearing pipped up. Sen. Cassidy, who is a medical doctor, acted as referee reminding the room that “treating a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy is not an abortion.” This comment is certainly something that SFLAction commends. Sen. Cassidy’s courage to put an end to misinformation and correct the record didn’t go unnoticed.
At SFLAction, we believe that we can work with RFK Jr. as long as he’s willing to truly follow science. By humbly telling the room that if science and data proves him wrong on a certain issue, he is willing to change, we are eager to work with RFK.
READ: Getting Feds Out of Abortion Requires Pro-Lifers at HHS With RFK