Last session, Rep. John McCravy introduced the Human Life Protection Act passed the South Carolina House and its initial Senate vote. Tragically, pro-abortion Republicans joined Democrats to filibuster and block the bill’s passage. We will try again this year, and Students for Life Action needs you to contact your senators to encourage them to pass the bill and save lives! This legislation would save over 5,000 innocent preborn babies in South Carolina from abortion every year.
We must insist to ALL senators who claim to be prolife we expect them to fight for us – vote to end the filibuster at every turn, and stay in session as long as it takes to end the filibuster and pass the Human Life Protection Act without any further changes.
Please tell your elected officials that all preborn children deserve legal protections and share this alert with your friends and family. Each legislator will be held responsible for their votes if they fail to protect preborn babies and doom over 5,000 future South Carolina citizens to abortion.
Tell them, please don’t compromise on life, vote for Life at Conception at every opportunity.
Take just 5 seconds in advance of future votes to use our form to generate an email to your Senator today, then share this link with your pro-life community!