Gruesome allegations of a baby body parts market for profit again raises the question of whether Planned Parenthood – a politically active, Democratic Party exclusive, virtual welfare recipient of government support – should be cut off, more permanently. New calls for Planned Parenthood to face real consequences for numerous allegations have begun in earnest as a new administration comes to town without deep ties to the business.
Planned Parenthood did the headline-walk-of-shame again recently as another story broke about their allegedly sordid side business – haggling over the sale of aborted baby body parts. The New York Post reported, “Stomach-churning emails show Planned Parenthood negotiating terms regarding the donation of aborted fetuses for medical research.”
The documents came from citizen journalist David Daleiden, who through the Center for Medical Progress, has released a series of shocking videos beginning in 2015 showing Planned Parenthood and some of its favorite vendors discussing the trafficking of infant hearts, lungs, brains, and limbs from aborted infants.
“These documents show that Planned Parenthood is supplying healthy babies who are old enough to survive outside the womb from late term abortions to the University of California’s royalty-generating experiments,” Daleiden told The Post. “A heavily redacted so-called ‘Research Plan’ submitted to the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Institutional Review Board and approved in 2018 states scientists wanted 2,500 fetuses from up to almost the sixth month of gestation for experimentation.” (To note, by 23 weeks – almost 6 months, a “ majority of healthy infants born at 23 weeks can survive with modern medical care.)
The humanity of the infants, broken for experimentation, horrifies enough, but it’s the alleged sale of their bodies that triggers a criminal concern, through “the creation of commercial interest in fetal tissue from abortions and human tissue trafficking.”
Planned Parenthood’s most recent annual report said that almost $700 million– 34% of its overall revenue – came from taxpayers. The money comes in through reimbursements and grants, and over the years, that’s really added up.
In its ground-breaking report, Family Research Council in 2022, released America’s Direct Deposit to Planned Parenthood, noting: “Since 1993, Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business, has reported carrying out 7,442,666 abortions, all while receiving over 10.35 billion in total taxpayer funding.” Emphasis added.
Numerous and heroic efforts to cut the abortion industry’s flagship from federal programs and funding have taken place and multiple limits have been tried. Abortion funding is like a cancer that needs to be cut from all kinds of life-saving program, and as there are 12 annual appropriations acts, passing through numerous committees, evaluating all kind of programs, it takes more than a village to follow the abortion dollar.
Planned Parenthood gets paid for the most part through reimbursements from Medicaid through “family planning” money and through grants. Kaiser notes: Medicaid is the Primary Source of Public Funding for Family Planning — “Medicaid, a jointly operated and funded federal/state program, covers more than four in ten (44%) low-income women of reproductive age, the leading source of coverage among this p
For Planned Parenthood, that’s been a cash cow program, though it’s not the only one they participate in; Title X, another family planning program, creates profit for them, but there are other income streams.
Because Planned Parenthood has qualified to participate in all kinds of programs or been given grants, they can keep cashing checks. To DISQUALIFY them, we will need to show that there are serious issues in an organization they admit was founded by a confirmed racist. Unsurprisingly, the issues didn’t stop with its founding, meaning there is a case to be made to cut them off.
The government has a process for Suspension & Debarment of people and/or companies doing business with the United States, described here by the U.S. General Services Administration.
After an investigation, a “non-responsible” contractor can be cut off – debarred – from doing business with the government, usually for a period of up to 3 years, when they could come back and try again. During that investigation, however, funds can be suspended.
The government puts it best, in a “You won’t Pass GO, You will not collect $200” Monopoly way:
Your name will be published as ineligible on the System for Award Management, a GSA administered website. Your suspension is effective throughout the Executive Branch of the Federal government and applies to procurement and non-procurement programs.
Offers will not be solicited from, contracts will not be awarded to, existing contracts will not be renewed or otherwise extended for, and subcontracts requiring Government approval will not be approved for you by any agency in the Executive Branch of the Federal government, unless the head of the agency taking the contracting action or a designee states, in writing, the compelling reason for continued business dealings between you and the agency.
You may not conduct business with the Federal government as an agent or representative of other contractors or of participants in Federal assistance programs, nor may you act as an individual surety to other Government contractors.
AND LOTS OF OFFICES CAN HELP WITH DEBARMENT: From a General Services Administration Training: Consider that “each federal government agency is required to have a suspension and debarment program. It is also important to note that a suspension or debarment action by one agency’s official is effective for all government agencies.”
… Suspension is defined as a temporary exclusion. It is generally used when the facts about possible wrongdoing are still being developed either through investigation or legal proceedings. There is a legal basis required in order to suspend a contractor; the SDO needs information sufficient evidence to support the belief that a particular act or wrongdoing occurred, and the standard is called “adequate evidence”. Debarment is an exclusion from the federal procurement and non-procurement programs for a specific time, and it is also used when an investigation or legal proceedings have concluded. The legal basis required for a debarment is a civil judgment or a conviction, or in the absence of a court decision, evidence leading one to believe it is more probable than not that the wrongdoing actually occurred.”
DEBARMENT TRIGGERS: Also from the GSA: What are the causes for Suspension or Debarment?
Commission of fraud, embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, tax evasion, violating Federal criminal laws, receiving stolen property, an unfair trade practice
Violation of antitrust statutes
Willful, or a history of, failure to perform
Violation of the Drug-Free Workplace Act
Delinquent Federal taxes (more than $3,000)
Knowing failure to disclose violation of criminal law
Any other cause that affects present responsibility
TO START THE PROCESS, complaints can be made, calling for investigation and debarment, to any number of offices including referring a contractor for investigation to [email protected].the GSA, the Office of Inspector General at Health & Human Services, or the U.S. Government Accountability Office, to name a few.
Congress could call for such an investigation as could the new Trump Administration.
But a Democratic Senator had a great idea for who to call for Debarment just a few years ago.
In a 2022 letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Ben Ray Lujan, D-N.M., demanded that the Department of Justice (DOJ) get busy with debarment activities.
They wrote: “Agencies possess broad authority to suspend and debar individual and entities that engage in criminal conduct or pose a risk to the public interest. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) permits an agency to debar an entity if it is convicted of or receives a civil judgment for ‘any … offense indicating a lack of business integrity or business honesty.’ An agency can also debar an entity based on just a ‘preponderance of the evidence’ for ‘any other cause so serious or compelling a nature that it affects the present responsibility of the contractor or subcontractor.’ Before or while a debarment is being considered, agencies can suspend a contractor if there is ‘adequate evidence’ that suspension is necessary to protect the government’s interests. Agencies also have a wide latitude to link contracting companies to the misconduct of any of their employees – including top company executives – as long as the misconduct ‘occurred in connection with the individual’s performance of duties for or on behalf of the contractor, or with the contractor’s knowledge, approval, or acquiescence.’”
The letter is a template for the authority of a Trump-Vance Administration to act, given the misdeeds of Planned Parenthood.
The incoming President or those on his team could call for an investigation into Planned Parenthood as an unqualified contractor for the U.S. Government, for the purpose of cutting them off from what most recently was an almost $700 million dollar payday.
Students for Life of America & Students for Life Action will be making the case for debarment as an on-going project, joining other organizations who have laid a strong foundation for a call for investigation at the Department of Justice. The goal is to illustrate the facts calling for investigation as laid out by the government and seen here, for those who want to read the legal fine print.
ILLEGAL TRAFFICKING IN BABY BODY PARTS: In 2016, hearings took place after Daleiden’s bomb-shell reports on Planned Parenthood’s allegedly illegal baby body part trafficking. Sen. Marsha Blackburn, while in the U.S. House, chaired the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Select Investigative Panel on Planned Parenthood — the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives. Those troubling reports, added to on-going revelations as reported in the New York Post, make this an area of investigation.
National Review 2016: House Panel Releases Full List of Criminal Referrals in Planned Parenthood Investigation
“The panel was established last fall in the wake of the Center for Medical Progress’s undercover videos, which revealed evidence of extensive wrongdoing on the part of Planned Parenthood affiliates and associated organization. Since that time, the panel has issued 15 criminal and regulatory referrals to federal, state, and local authorities, advising further investigation into the practices of these organizations, as well as possible prosecution if additional evidence of illegal activity is found.
“Over the course of the investigation, the bipartisan panel has discovered increasingly damning evidence of the fact that abortion clinics and tissue-procurement organizations (TPOs) — groups such as StemExpress and Advanced Bioscience Resources, which partner with Planned Parenthood and other clinics to obtain fetal tissue and resell it at a profit to research firms — have repeatedly conspired to violate a federal statute making it a felony to profit from the sale of human fetal tissue.”
MEDICARE/MEDICAID FRAUD: Already, significant concern exists with Planned Parenthood’s financials when you consider an on-going legal case in Texas. As Reuters notes: Planned Parenthood must face trial over Texas Medicaid fraud claims
Other evidence of financial issues in the Select Committee’s Final report: Dec. 30, 2016: “The Charlotte Lozier Institute and Alliance Defending Freedom have documented that – based on 51 known external audits or other reviews of Planned Parenthood affiliates’ financial data and practices, and 61 federal audit of state family planning programs by HHS-OIG – Planned Parenthood affiliates have over-billed $132.4 million in Medicaid and other healthcare funding programs. These audit results are troubling, given their limitations in scope, detail, and time-frame; in fact, of 57 U.S. Planned Parenthood affiliates, only 19 have been audited.”
The Panel also:
- Learned there were HIPPA privacy rights violations.
- Found numerous irregularities with handling of tissue and donations.
- Reported “allegations include eyewitness account of the doctor killing infants who show signs of life both when partially outside the birth canal … and outside the birth canal … both violations of law.
- Uncovered documents and received testimony from confidential informants indicating. That four Planned Parenthood clinics and Novogenix, may have violated federal law.
FAILING TO FOLLOW HEALTH & SAFTEY STANDARDS: In regard to other law breaking, consider an on-going project from Americans United for Life (AUL), through extensive review of health and safety violations, first released in 2017, and again in 2021. “AUL’s legal staff reviewed over 25,000 pages of documents obtained through state Freedom of Information Acts, consisting of over 1,300 abortion facility inspection reports from the 39 states an conduct inspections of abortion businesses,” they report.
In 2021: UNSAFE details the reality of conditions in abortion businesses, documenting that more than 300 facilities in 39 states were cited for more than 2,400 health and safety deficiencies between 2008 and 2020, including hundreds of significant violations of state laws meant to ensure basic health and safety.
Link to report here: From the report: “More than 2,400 abortion facility health and safety violations reported in just the last 12 years (2008-2020), implicating well over 300 abortion businesses in hazardous, unclean abortions … operating without a license, utilizing unlicensed, unqualified, or untrained abortionists and staff, repeatedly fined for filthy conditions, and dangerously mishandling narcotics and other drugs”
FAILURE TO REPORT SEX CRIMES: Planned Parenthood has long been accused of failing to report underage girls in abusive situations. SFLA often shares such stories, such as this one form 2021: Doctor on Planned Parenthood Board Only Reports Sexual Abuse of Girls “In Some Cases”
“Dr. Noor Zwayne, a “Pediatric Gynecologist” in Arizona and Planned Parenthood Arizona board member, was interviewed by Ethan Cox (a Planned Parenthood associate) in their “Care No Matter What” podcast. It was everything you’d expect from a “pediatric gynecologist” on the board of the nation’s biggest abortion vendor …
She admits that in her job, Zwayne has to deal with the sexual abuse of youth, particularly young girls. Cox then asks her about the mandated reporting laws of such abuse. Her response was as disturbing as it was shocking. “In some cases, I have to report it to the police,” she responded. Only in some cases? In what case is the rape or other sexual abuse towards a child not reported to authorities?
All U.S. states have mandatory reporting laws, meaning that certain individuals in certain professions are required to report suspected abuse of minors. In Arizona, too, physicians are mandated reporters of suspected child abuse. RAINN, an organization active against sexual assault, notes:
- Anyone who fails to make a required report is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor, except if the failure to report involves certain specific offenses listed in the statute, the person is guilty of a Class 6 felony.
This alleged failure often has been illustrated in undercover videos and reporting.
Just a few other examples:
- Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey: Attorney General Bailey Files Suit Against Planned Parenthood for Trafficking Children Out-of-State to Obtain Abortions Without Parental Consent
- Again in UNSAFE, such cases are documented.
- National Review: 2017 Planned Parenthood’s Continued Failure to Report Evidence of Child-Sex Trafficking
- Catholic News Agency: Suit claims Colo. Planned Parenthood ignored sex abuse
- FOX: 2014 Planned Parenthood counselor withheld info on rape, police report reveals
- The Daily Signal: 2015 Report: Planned Parenthood Has Failed to Report Sexual Abuse
RACIST WORK ENVIRONMENT: Numerous complaints and lawsuits have been filed against Planned Parenthood, charging the mega-abortion vendor with bad working conditions. Remember the Washington Times 2020 story headlined: Planned Parenthood accused of racism by employees, supporters, which reported: “A letter signed by more than 350 ‘current and former staffers/ of Planned Parenthood of Greater New York, as well as about 800 donors, supporters and volunteers, declared that founder Margaret Sanger was ‘a racist, white woman’ and that the organization suffers from ‘institutional racism.’”
More examples of similar concerns:
- LiveAction: More than two dozen lawsuits have been filed by former Planned Parenthood staff alleging racism
- NPR: (Out of New York) A former employee sues Planned Parenthood, claiming she faced months of racism
- Crumiller, The Feminist Litigation Firm: Second Race Discrimination Lawsuit Filed against Planned Parenthood
- KMOV, St. Louis: Former St. Louis Planned Parenthood employee sues for racial discrimination
- Bloomberg Law: Planned Parenthood of NY Sued for Racial Bias by Top Exec
BOTTOM LINE: This is the beginning of the process and not the end, as the above indicates only a preliminary look at reasons why Planned Parenthood does not deserve federal support. The Pro-Life Generation will be calling on the Trump Administration to investigate, suspend, debar, and defund Planned Parenthood. No matter how you feel about a business that ends life for money, their troubled history is reason enough for taxpayers to say, YOU’RE FIRED.