“It is crucial we educate voters of their pro-life candidates so Florida can have future opportunities to protect life in law,” said Savanna Deretich, SFLAction State Government Affairs & Public Relations Coordinator. “Right now, Florida is the fifth highest state for abortions. Our goal is to inform voters to protect life in law, so Florida does not become the state of abortion tourism.”
Media Advisory: For information on how to cover SFLAction’s Florida activism trip, capture video and b-roll, or interview canvassers, contact [email protected].
TALLAHASSEE, FL and WASHINGTON, D.C. (08-19-2022) – Students for Life Action (SFLAction) will deploy grassroot activists to Florida from August 20-23, 2022, engaging in door-to-door canvassing to inform voters on state House District 36 candidate Richard Santos and Congressional candidate Anthony Sabatini’s (CD-07) pledges to protect life in law.
SFLAction’s activism trip comes ahead of the state’s primary to inform voters on who their pro-life champions are with the return of candidate surveys pledging to support Life at Conception Act and Chemical Abortion bans. In response to recent roll call votes supporting late term abortion in the Sunshine State, SFLAction surveyed the aspiring Representatives on commonsense pro-life laws.
“It is crucial we educate voters of their pro-life candidates so Florida can have future opportunities to protect life in law,” said Savanna Deretich, SFLAction State Government Affairs & Public Relations Coordinator. “Right now, Florida is ranked the fifth highest state for abortions. Our goal is to inform voters to protect life in law, so Florida does not become the state of abortion tourism as abortions from out-of-state are already on the rise.”
Florida’s 15-week abortion ban prohibits approximately 7% of abortions. “There’s more work to be done,” Deretich added. SFLAction is gearing up for greater restrictions that protect more preborn Floridians from the horrors of abortion.
To learn more about the Post-Roe Blueprint from Students for Life Action, read Kristan Hawkins’ op-ed at Fox titled America needs to get ready for a world after Roe or her op-ed at Newsweek titled Forget the Kids’ Menu: The Pro-Life Movement Wants Real Policy Engagement.
For interviews email [email protected]
Students for Life Action (SFLAction), a 501c4, along with its 501c3 sister organization, Students for Life of America (SFLA), make up the nation’s largest pro-life youth organization and a political and policy operation engaging people of all ages. Together they work to end abortion — the human rights issue of our day — and provide political, legal, and community support for women and their children, born and preborn. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, SFLA has 1,300 groups on middle, high school, college, university, medical, and law school campuses in all 50 states. SFLA creates strategy, policy, and programming to connect those most targeted for abortion with people ready to help and builds a framework for political engagement on their behalf. SFLA and SFLAction have more conversations with those most targeted by the abortion industry than any other pro-life outreach in the world, reaching more than 2 million people across social media platforms each week and engaging in approximately 100,000 digital conversations per month. Over more than 15 years, President Kristan Hawkins has grown SFLAction/SFLA into an $18 million organization preparing for a Post-Roe America.