too extreme for me

the campus tour

commit to voting against
abortion extremism in virginia

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In 2020, extreme pro-abortion legislators in Virginia attempted to make abortion legal in all nine months and successfully removed common sense safety regulations that protect women.

Now, those same legislators are attempting to make Virginia’s laws comparable to those of human rights violators like China and North Korea.

Most Americans do not agree with abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. In fact, 7 in 10 Americans want limits on abortion. These pro-abortion legislators are too extreme for Virginia.  

This November, we Virginians have a choice: continue with abortion extremism... or vote it out.



where do you stand?

Should abortion be legal through all nine months of pregnancy?


Did you know that a baby can feel pain by 15 weeks (4 months) and that viability - the ability to survive outside the womb - begins around 22 weeks (5 months) of pregnancy? 

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In 2019, an extreme Virginia delegate proposed a bill that would allow abortion up until birth... the same week she proposed a bill to protect endangered butterflies. After learning more about the bill, 22 of the co-sponsors publicly revoked their sponsorship.   

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Should infanticide be illegal?


Former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam once callously said of  infanticide: “The infant would be delivered…[and] would be resuscitated IF that’s what the mother and the family desired.”  

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Regardless of your position on abortion, infanticide (the killing, either actively or by neglect, of a born-alive baby) should be universally agreed upon as wrong.  

Do you think abortion should be illegal after a baby can feel pain?


In the short time that pro-abortion legislators had a majority in office, they went against 78% of Americans by making abortion legal after a growing baby can feel pain.   


Did you know that a baby can feel pain by 15 weeks (4 months) and that viability - the ability to survive outside the womb - begins around 22 weeks (5 months) of pregnancy? 

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Do you think that common sense safety regulations & informed
consent laws designed to protect women should remain in place?


In Virginia, former Governor Northam and VA  lawmakers voted to repeal health and safety standards such as an ultrasound requirement and waiting period before having an abortion in 2020. They also advocate for non-physicians to commit abortions. 


Women deserve laws that protect their informed consent and that hold abortion facilities to at least the same standards as other businesses (in New York, nail salons are inspected more than abortion facilities). Inspections and safety standards matter as they protect women from serious injury and/or death, as well as abuse. In Pennsylvania, abortionist Kermit Gosnell was convicted of killing a woman through medical malpractice. His clinic went uninspected for 17 years.