December 19, 2023

Michigan Apparently Doesn’t Care About Your Right to Conscientious Objection


Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is becoming among the most extreme pro-abortion leaders in America, giving other American Governors like JB Pritzker of Illinois and Gavin Newsom of California a solid run for their money. Earlier in December, Whitmer repealed a state law that required women to have a separate insurance rider to cover abortion. According to a NBC News article: 

“It’s the latest in a string of moves the Democrat has made on the issue in the battleground state after voters enshrined abortion rights in the state constitution last year following the overturning of Roe v. Wade.   

“And it demonstrates how issues beyond sweeping restrictions or legalizations of the procedure continue to be at the forefront in key states ahead of the 2024 election, when abortion is set to be at the center of the campaign.  

“The controversial measure the governor repealed Monday was dubbed “rape insurance” by activists and some Democrats in 2013, when Whitmer spoke against the measure as the minority leader in the state Senate.” 

Insurance is about spreading risk around among multiple policy holders – but more often than not, these insurance policies are voluntarily opted into. Now, if you get a health insurance policy in Michigan, you will be funding abortion, whether you’re in favor of it or not. 

This is obviously a gross violation of the right to conscience. As the pro-abortion Center for Reproductive Rights says regarding Conscientious Objection Laws: “In the context of abortion care, conscientious objection is when a health care worker or institution refuses to administer abortion services or information on the grounds of conscience or religious belief. When conscientious objection is not regulated, it can significantly undermine access to abortion services.” 

This is ultimately what the abortion lobby fears – that people can opt out and have the right to not let their money be used for the violent killing of preborn life. This is precisely why the Michigan Governor is forcing the issue. As the old saying goes, good ideas don’t require force. 

But force can be used to enforce the laws – which seems like a far more sensible approach to solving something as horrible as rape in the state of Michigan which, according to data from, ranks fourth in the nation for frequency of sexual assault. CNN notes that Michigan is the third highest in the nation per capita. Forcing people to fund abortions won’t fix this but going after criminals can. 

READ: The Pro-Life Platform Is a Winning One – How Republican Candidates CAN Win While Combatting Abortion Rhetoric 

There’s also an interesting admission in this news report – that the Democrats plan to keep abortion at the center of the 2024 election. As we’ve noted in previous blogs, the pro-life movement has an opportunity to take a strong stand for life – and that this is a winning position. 

The abortion industrial complex will try desperately hard to shield the failures of their enablers in the Democrat Party on other issues (the economy, abortion, and so much more). The Pro-Life Generation isn’t going to let them move the goalposts or lose the plot.  


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