South Carolina State Senator Katrina Shealy — Sen. Shealy filibustered South Carolina's Life at Conception Act, and voted AGAINST her state's new Heartbeat Abortion Prevention Act. She sought to pass amendments which would allow 90% of abortions to continue in the Palmetto State.
Victory Update: Students for Life Action educated voters about her record and they replaced her in the 2024 Republican primary election.

South Carolina State Senator Greg Hembree (SD 28, North Myrtle Beach) — Sen. Hembree betrayed his constituents by filibustering and DEFEATING South Carolina's Life at Conception Act last fall. Then in the spring, he filibustered the vote again, despite claiming to be pro-life.

South Carolina State Senator Luke Rankin (SD 33, Myrtle Beach/Conway) — Sen. Rankin FAILED to vote during key roll calls, thereby quietly supporting the Democrat’s filibuster of the South Carolina's Life at Conception Act last fall. He was hoping pro-life voters wouldn’t notice. Once his motives were clear and they saw through his games, he repeatedly voted in favor of the Democrats filibuster to kill the Life at Conception Act.

South Carolina State Senator Penry Gustafson — Sen. Gustafson also filibustered South Carolina's Life at Conception Act, and voted AGAINST her state's new Heartbeat Abortion Prevention Act. She sought to pass amendments which would allow 90% of abortions to continue in the Palmetto State.
Victory Update: Students for Life Action educated voters about her record and they replaced her in the 2024 Republican primary election.

New Hampshire State Representative Carroll Brown, Jr. (Grafton HD 10, Town of Bridgewater) — Rep. Brown has been COLLUDING with Planned Parenthood to gut the 24-Week Late-Term Abortion Prevention Act in New Hampshire. He voted in alliance with the pro-abortion governor to allow babies to be killed up until the moment of birth.

New Hampshire State Representative Dan Wolf (Merrimack HD 7, Town of New London) — Rep. Wolf has consistently voted FOR abortion and gone so far as to support a bill that would legalize late-term abortion in New Hampshire. Callously, he also voted to put a misleading abortion measure on the 2024 ballot that would enshrine abortion-on-demand in the state constitution. He is one of the most pro-abortion Republicans in the entire nation.

New Hampshire State Representative David Bickford — Rep. Bickford wasn’t satisfied with the cruelty of allowing 99% of abortions in New Hampshire, which occur before 24-Weeks. He voted to GUT the 24-Week Late-Term Abortion Prevention Act, to legalize most the extreme late-term abortions (practically infanticide), and to put a misleading abortion measure on the 2024 ballot that would enshrine abortion-on-demand in the state constitution.
Victory Update: Students for Life Action educated voters about his record and they replaced him in the 2024 Republican primary election.

New Hampshire State Representative David Lundgren (Rockingham HD 16, Town of North Londonderry) — Rep. Lundgren stabbed the Pro-Life Movement in the back with his vote to DISMANTLE New Hampshire’s 24-Week Late-Term Abortion Prevention Act and make it a late-term abortion haven. He has signed on to the Democrat agenda of allowing abortions up until the moment of birth.

New Hampshire State Representative David Nagel (Belknap HD 6, Lacona) — Rep. Nagel sided with pro-abortion Democrats who wanted to LEGALIZE all 9 months of abortion in New Hampshire. Thankfully, the bill failed in the Senate, but it wasn’t for lack of trying on Rep. Nagel’s part to turn New Hampshire into a late-term abortion free-for-all.

New Hampshire State Representative Dick Thackston (Cheshire HD 12, Town of Troy/Fitzwilliam) — Rep. Thackston made one of the most pro-abortion votes of any Republican legislator in the nation. He voted to LEGALIZE abortion up until the moment of birth in New Hampshire by gutting the 24-Week Late-Term Abortion Prevention Act. Much to Rep. Thackston’s disappointment, the bill failed in the Senate, and New Hampshire’s 24-week protections currently remain in place.

New Hampshire State Representative James Mason (Merrimack HD 3, Town of New Hampshire/Franklin) — Rep. Mason voted FOR abortion again and went so far as to support late-term abortion up until the moment of birth. Even 68% of pro-choice voters oppose late-term abortion, but Rep. Mason unapologetically went on record to support the inhumane practice, apparently believing it is perfectly okay. Callously, he also voted to put a misleading abortion measure on the 2024 ballot that would enshrine abortion-on-demand in the state constitution.

New Hampshire State Representative John Lewicke (Hillsborough HD 36, Town of Mason/Brookline) — Rep. Lewicke LET DOWN all of his pro-life constituents by backing the pro-abortion Democrats in the New Hampshire House. When it came time to vote to allow abortion up until the moment of birth, he sided with the late-term abortion extremists.

New Hampshire State Representative Josh Yokela — Rep. Yokela aligned with Planned Parenthood and declared war on the Pro-Life Movement by voting to make late-term abortion legal in New Hampshire. Rep. Yokela had no second thoughts about KILLING innocent babies in the third trimester—babies mature enough to survive outside the womb.
Victory Update: Students for Life Action educated voters about his record and they replaced him in the 2024 Republican primary election.

New Hampshire State Representative Karel Crawford (Carroll HD 3, Town of Moultonborough) — Rep. Crawford did the bidding of the abortion lobby in the New Hampshire by supporting the bill to GUT New Hampshire’s 24-Week Late-Term Abortion Prevention Act. She refused to stop the 99% of abortions that occur before 24 weeks and explicitly supported abortions that happen right before the moment of birth.

New Hampshire State Representative Lex Berezhny (Grafton HD 11, Town of Grafton) — Rep. Berezhny made one of the most outrageous votes of any Republican legislator in the country, voting to LEGALIZE abortions that happen right before a baby is born. His outrageous position on this issue is out of touch with the vast majority of Americans, including 68% of pro-choice Americans.

New Hampshire State Representative Mark Proulx (Hillsborough HD 15, Town of Manchester) — Rep. Proulx worked with the pro-abortion leftists in his caucus to DISMANTLE New Hampshire’s 24-Week Late-Term Abortion Prevention Act in order to make the state home to gruesome and violent late-term abortions. Heartlessly, he also voted to put a misleading abortion measure on the 2024 ballot that would enshrine abortion-on-demand in the state constitution. He is a friend of Planned Parenthood.

New Hampshire State Representative Mike Bordes (Belknap 5, Laconia) — Rep. Bordes infuriated his pro-life constituents by casting an indefensible vote to make New Hampshire a haven for late-term abortions. He voted to GUT the 24-Week Late-Term Abortion Prevention Act, which already allows 99% of abortions to take place, and to put a misleading abortion measure on the 2024 ballot that would enshrine abortion-on-demand in the state constitution.

New Hampshire State Representative Oliver Ford (Rockingham HD 3, Chester) — Rep. Ford established himself as one of Biden’s Favorite Republicans by supporting the pro-abortion radicals in New Hampshire who wanted to GUT the 24-Week Late-Term Abortion Prevention Act. He wanted to allow all abortions up until the moment of birth in the state. Thankfully, he failed—the Senate voted the bill down—but he very nearly got his way, which would have cost innocent babies their lives.

New Hampshire State Representative Susan Vandecasteele (Rockingham HD 25, Salem) — Rep. Vandecasteele took Planned Parenthood’s side in the fight over New Hampshire’s 24-Week Late-Term Abortion Prevention Act. While most of her Republican colleagues supported the existing law which prevented late-term abortions, Rep. Vandecasteele voted to GUT the bill and allow abortion up until birth. Ruthlessly, she also voted to put a misleading abortion measure on the 2024 ballot that would enshrine abortion-on-demand in the state constitution.

New Hampshire State Representative Tanya Donnelly (Rockingham HD 25, Salem) — Rep. Donnelly sided with the most pro-abortion members of the New Hampshire House as they voted to gut the 24-Week Late-Term Abortion Prevention Act. She supported the most extreme, violent, and gruesome abortions to be legal and widespread in the state of New Hampshire.

Congressman Marc Molinaro (NY’s 19th Congressional District, Binghamton) — Rep. Molinaro is pushing to REMOVE language from the Department of Agriculture funding bill that’s designed to safeguard women from being shipped dangerous Chemical Abortion Pills through the mail. These pills can have deadly consequences, particularly if used without proper screenings. He has declared he will vote no on the whole bill if women can no longer order the pills through the mail.

Congressman Mike Lawler (NY’s 17th Congressional District, Town of Yorktown/New City/East Fishkill) — Rep. Lawler spoke in OPPOSITION to GOP efforts to stop dangerous Chemical Abortion Pills from being sent through the mail. Easy access to these pills can lead to misuse, such as incidents when male partners slip them to pregnant women without their consent.

Arizona State Representative Tim Dunn (HD 25, Town of Yuma) - Rep. Dunn betrayed the Pro-Life Generation by joining pro-abortion Democrats in the State House, voting to pass HB 2677, which rolled back Arizona’s laws that protected preborn lives early in pregnancy. As a result, Arizona now allows abortion through 15-weeks of pregnancy, a timeframe that permits more than 9 in 10 abortions to occur.

Arizona State Representative Justin Wilmeth (HD 2, Phoenix) - Rep. Wilmeth stabbed preborn babies in the back by joining pro-abortion Democrats in the legislature, voting to pass HB 2677, which removed Arizona’s pro-life laws that protected preborn babies early in pregnancy. Now Arizona has legal abortion through 15-weeks, allowing more than 9 in 10 abortions to occur.

Arizona State Representative Matt Gress (HD 4, Scottsdale) - Rep. Gress betrayed the Pro-Life Movement by joining pro-abortion Democrats to help pass HB 2677, which repealed Arizona’s protections for preborn lives early in pregnancy. As a result, Arizona now allows abortion through 15-weeks, a timeframe that permits more than 9 in 10 abortions to occur, likely costing thousands of babies’ lives each year.

Arizona State Senator T.J. Shope (SD 16, Town of Maricopa) - Sen. Shope betrayed the Pro-Life Generation by joining pro-abortion Democrats in the State Senate, voting to pass HB 2677, which ended Arizona’s protections for preborn lives early in pregnancy. Now Arizona allows abortion through 15-weeks of pregnancy, when babies almost certainly feel pain, and sets a timeframe that permits more than 9 in 10 abortions to occur.

Arizona State Senator Shawnna Bolick (SD 2, Phoenix) – After campaigning as pro-life and even cosponsoring abolitionist legislation, Sen. Bolick betrayed pro-lifers by joining pro-abortion Democrats in the state Senate to pass HB 2677, which removed Arizona’s law that protected preborn lives early in pregnancy. As a result, Arizona now allows abortion through 15-weeks of pregnancy, a timeframe that permits more than 9 in 10 abortions to occur.

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (.S. Senate, Alaska) — With an F rating on the Pro-Life Generation Report Card, Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski has a longstanding record of betraying Life. She has repeatedly voted against the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, a bill that would protect babies nationwide from the violence of abortion after 20-weeks, and has openly stated her support for the abortion giant Planned Parenthood. Among Sen. Murkowski's most recent infractions was voting in favor of the Democrats' so-called Right to IVF Act (S. 4445), a bill that would enable the IVF industry to expand past the unethical boundaries it has already crossed and lead to the creation and destruction of countless embryonic human lives.

U.S. Senator Susan Collins (U.S. Senate, Maine) — Senator Collins from Maine has a well-established record of voting in lockstep with her pro-abortion peers across the aisle, earning her an F rating on the Pro-Life Generation Report Card. She voted in favor of confirming the notoriously pro-abortion activist Xavier Becerra as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She similarly voted to confirm pro-abortion Ketanji Brown Jackson as a Supreme Court Justice, while opposing the nomination of Justice Amy Coney Barrett. Most recently, Sen. Collins joined Democrats to vote in favor of the deceptively titled Reproductive Freedom for Women Act (S. 4554), a bill designed to reinstate Roe v. Wade nationwide and expand the number of innocent lives lost to abortion.