Currently, Naples, Florida legally protects sea turtles… but not preborn human beings. An “Sanctuary City for the Unborn” ordinance has been proposed that will ban abortion within city limits, and we’re mobilizing our Florida students to ensure that babies are also protected in Naples.
Sign up to support the ordinance by emailing [email protected].
Sign-up form and dates will be posted here soon!
The Naples City Council has almost enough votes to pass this ordinance, but one Council Member, Gary Price, (who claims to be pro-life) is stopping this effort. His comment when voting against considering the ordinance is that the city of Naples “[isn’t] done healing yet and I don’t know how long that’s going to take,” referring the COVID-19 pandemic. Councilman Gary Price has campaigned as a traditional Republican, and those who voted for him likely never expected him to betray the pro-life movement. But that’s exactly what he’s doing.
It would take 124 years for the number of COVID-19 deaths to catch up to the number of lives taken by abortion in the United States since Roe v. Wade was handed down in 1973. We cannot heal from the loss of innocent life by allowing the deliberate destruction of human life to continue.
Every death is a loss. We can 100% prevent the loss of life from the violence of abortion.
The proposed Naples Ordinance, like the other Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn ordinances, is enforceable. The Naples Ordinance has two major enforcement mechanisms: the public enforcement mechanism and the private enforcement mechanism. The public enforcement mechanism establishes fines against the abortionist and anyone who aids and abets the abortionist for any abortion which takes place within the city limits of Naples, Florida. The private enforcement mechanism allows family members of babies killed in abortions to sue the abortionist.
Cities across America have been declaring themselves “Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn” to show the nation that their city stands for the rights of the preborn and women. While some states are ramping up their abortion extremism and legalizing abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy, these cities are making sure that it is clear that they stand for the sanctity of human life!
Students for Life Action is committing to advocacy to make sure the city of Naples passes this pro-life ordinance. We’ll be canvassing across the city to bring attention to the ordinance, and we’ll be speaking at city council hearings to demand Gary Price does the right thing.
Sign up to support the ordinance by emailing [email protected].