October 24, 2024

New Hidden Camera Video from Students for Life Action Shows Infamous, Late-Term Abortionist Curtis Boyd Advising on the Best Way to Abort a Viable Baby, Eight Months in the Womb;


Also Known as a “Doctor” Who Helped Developed the Abortion Vendors’ Playbook of “Medical Standards,”  Boyd Fumbled & Failed to Explain a Willingness by Abortionists to Expose Women to Infertility & Death

“Late-term abortions not only happen, but they’re also embraced by the abortion radicals active in this Presidential election cycle,” said Students for Life Action President Kristan Hawkins. “If we’ve learned anything in this election, it’s that late-term abortions are one of the goals of the Democratic Party, as they will name no limit and will embrace all deaths by intentional abortion. Once again, we have proof that abortion for any reason and at any time in pregnancy is possible in America.”


“Another ugly reality in America is that the abortion lobby doesn’t care who gets hurt, as long as it’s easy to end the life of a baby in the womb,” said Hawkins. “Our undercover team also asked Curtis Boyd why the so-called medical standard for Chemical Abortion Pills didn’t protect women experiencing an ectopic pregnancy from death or from infertility for Rh-negative women. His answer shows that unless the law demands protecting women, abortionists don’t care.”


Charlotte Lozier Institute’s Dr. Ingrid Skop agrees, “Injured women and children are the collateral damage those who promote abortion are willing to accept in pursuit of their ideologic goals.”


To speak with Students for Life Action staff about this video, contact [email protected].


WASHINGTON, D.C. (10-24-2024)– Students for Life Action (SFLAction) released new and appalling undercover video footage of infamous, late-term abortionist Dr. Curtis Boyd at a recent Washington, D.C. book signing of  his book, “We Choose To,” along with his abortionist wife, Dr. Glenna Halvorson-Boyd. SFLAction staff members attended the event, capturing several exchanges on undercover video, showing that lack of concern for women’s survival or the fate of a viable baby would not deter the abortionists from supporting a sale.


Infamous Abortionist helps set up late-term abortion.

In the video, SFLAction’s Savanna Deretich asked Boyd if he could help a fictional “friend” who was eight months pregnant get an abortion. The abortionist and his wife immediately began problem-solving to connect Deretich with an abortion – no questions asked. Late-term abortions are real.


“The reckless disregard for preborn human life is at the core of the abortion industry – and despite the media and Democrats’ continued lies that late-term abortions do not happen, Students for Life Action has yet again found proof that it does,” said SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins. “This is what Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz are fighting for: an abortion any place, any time, for anyone. In fact, if elected, a Harris-Walz administration would attack the filibuster to make it easier to pass an abortion law even more radical than Roe, guaranteeing a national right to late-term abortion until the moment of birth.”

“During the entire conversation, I felt sick,” said Deretich, who recorded the first video. “So many lives have been cruelly taken because of this Bonnie and Clyde abortion duo, dedicated to offering death to women’s children under the guise of ‘loving care.’ These married doctors have taken more life than they have created and physically and mentally scarred countless women.”



 So-Called Medical Standards Expert was A-OK with Risks to Women’s Lives & Fertility from Chemical Abortion Pills.

During the event, another staff member asked Boyd about two policy changes that the National Abortion Federation supports when it comes to Chemical Abortion Pill policy.

Boyd and his wife have been pivotal members of the National Abortion Federation (NAF), which pretends to provide a professional structure for abortion vendors. They claim: “As the professional organization of abortion providers in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Colombia, NAF provides clinical standards and guidelines that can be used at any abortion-providing facility.”

“Standards” for the number one means of abortion in America, Chemical Abortion Pills are included in the NAF 2024 “Guidelines.”

Zach Sprouse also attended the event for SFLA, reporting that the smiling faces in the room were a shock. In an undercover video, you can hear a woman say “don’t answer that” when Sprouse asked pointed questions about the risks of Chemical Abortion Pills.

“I looked across the room and saw smiles on everyone’s faces as he described his experience, committing an abortion on a 16-year-old girl in the 70s when this was still an illegal practice. He talked about how he changed her life. He was proud of his profession and admitted to enjoying what he does,” Sprouse said with shock.

But even more shocking was how Boyd seemed surprised to be asked a pointed policy question – about the policy group positions he champions.

“When I asked my question about why they did not require an ultrasound for a chemical abortion and the risk of ectopic pregnancies, he stated that we no longer require ultrasounds to identify ectopic pregnancies. Therefore, it is unnecessary, and they can discover the ectopic pregnancies in other ways,” Sprouse noted. “When asked about why Rh-negative women are not administered RhoGAM shots after chemical abortions to prevent the risk of future infertility, he said that it is no longer an issue and that women are not at risk of infertility in this scenario,” Sprouse said.

Both answers are demonstrably false.



NAF 2024 standards state: “For most patients, testing before a medication abortion, including ultrasound, is not required. People can safely manage early medication abortion on their own.” Emphasis added.

Hawkins said, “Not required is not the same thing as not needed. One is a matter of the law and regulation, profoundly broken for Chemical Abortion Pills and another is a matter of best medical practices, clearly unimportant to those who kill small people for a living. Remember that about 2% of Americans have a peanut allergy and about 2% of women will experience an ectopic pregnancy. We’ve rightly turned our society upside down to protect people from potentially deadly allergies while pretending it is no big deal to risk women’s lives with Chemical Abortion Pills.”

Ingrid Skop, M.D., FACOG, Vice President and Director of Medical Affairs for Charlotte Lozier Institute, found the abortionist’s statements that in an ideal world, women WOULD be seen in person to be very significant considering all the risks of Chemical Abortion Pills. 

Dr. Skop observed: “The abortion industry’s cavalier actions in removing recommendations for ultrasound and Rh testing/RhoGAM provision prior to first trimester medication abortion provision, based on very little evidence, demonstrates conclusively that they are willing to risk the lives and future fertility of women in their goal of readily accessible self-managed abortion.

“The stakes are high-ruptured ectopic pregnancy is the leading cause of maternal death in the first trimester, and Rh isoimmunization can lead to severe complications for future children, including brain damage and death. Injured women and children are the collateral damage those who promote abortion are willing to accept in pursuit of their ideologic goals.”

READ MORE: Peanut Allergies and Abortion Pills: Why Ignore Either Risk?


Consider the support for protections among registered Youth voters, illustrated by Pro-Life Generation’s Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement:

More than half of abortions today are through taking abortion-inducing drugs. Two hormone pills, mifepristone (Mifeprex) and misoprostol (Cytotec), are prescribed by a healthcare provider and are then taken by a woman to end a pregnancy. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently allowed for the distribution of these pills through online telehealth sales, allowing for no-test, online distribution of the pills.

ON SUPPORT FOR PRE-SCREENING FOR ECTOPIC PREGNANCY: Ultrasound screenings (a simple imaging technique used to produce images of structures within the body) are used to determine how far along a woman is in pregnancy, as the abortion-inducing drugs can fail if used later in the pregnancy and complications may arise.

Ultrasounds can also be used to determine if a woman has an ectopic pregnancy, which is when the fetus has implanted outside of the uterus/womb. In an ectopic pregnancy, the abortion-inducing drugs will not end the pregnancy, and the woman can have severe complications, including death.

9 in 10 Youth Voters Supported Health and Safety Measures to save the Life of the Mother who may be experiencing an ectopic pregnancy – with 47% saying its “extremely important.”

ON PROTECTING A MOTHER’S FUTURE FERTILITY WITH TREATMENT: A blood test is needed to check a woman’s Rh blood status. Rh-negative blood occurs in 15% of women. If the blood of an Rh-positive fetus gets into the bloodstream of an Rh-negative woman, the woman’s body produces antibodies that could attack the fetus’ blood cells, leading to serious health problems, even death, for a fetus or a newborn. The antibodies also put the mother’s future children at risk while in the womb. Antibodies can be formed after a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or an abortion. If Rh-negative blood is detected very early in the pregnancy, a prescription medicine (RhoGAM) can be given to prevent antibodies from forming.

94% supported protecting a woman’s future fertility with a blood test and treatment, with 48% saying it’s extremely important. This is an INCREASE from last year’s poll.

“The National Abortion Federation has one job, and it’s to come up with standards of medical care,” said Hawkins. “Time and time again what is shown is a standard of NO care; an organization that seems perfectly comfortable with the risks of infertility and death that women face.”



For interviews, contact [email protected]


The Pro-Life Generation (PLG) is an umbrella organization encompassing the most-cutting edge engagement opportunities for a Vote Pro-Life First Community. PLG includes Students for Life Action (SFLAction), a 501c4, along with its 501c3 sister organization, Students for Life of America (SFLA), that together make up the nation’s largest, pro-life youth organization, managing a grassroots political and policy operation engaging Americans of all ages but with a special emphasis on the largest segment of voters — the Youth Vote. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, PLG/SFLA/SFLAction serves more than 1,400 groups on middle, high school, college, medical, and law school campuses in all 50 states. Our team has more conversations with this generation targeted by the abortion lobby than any other pro-life operation in the world, each week reaching more than 4 million across social media platforms and averaging 1.3 million video views. In addition to SFLA/SFLAction, PLG leads multiple initiatives to lead and serve the future of the pro-life movement including the Campaign for Abortion Free CitiesStanding With You, and the Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement . Over more than 17 years, PLG CEO Kristan Hawkins has grown the operation into a nearly $20M organization, now preparing for an abortion-free America.