
Planned Parenthood’s Partnership with Hey Jane Qualifies It for Disbarment and Defunding

December 9, 2024

Planned Parenthood and Hey Jane have one thing in common: both organizations like killing kids in the womb.  

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, their shared lust for preborn blood led Hey Jane to partner with Planned Parenthood in Illinois to provide abortion through Medicare to bypass travel costs and time.  

“The two organizations hope the arrangement helps more people in Illinois access (abortion) by reducing barriers like travel and wait times,” wrote the Chicago Sun-Times. “Demand for abortion pills spiked in the state and nationwide after Donald Trump’s reelection in November and in the years since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.” 

Though their partnership feels like a natural one, with 45% of women receiving abortions on Medicaid, it’s opened Planned Parenthood to the legal liability of debarment.  

LEARN MORE: Can the Trump Administration Tell Planned Parenthood YOU’RE FIRED? Understanding how to Debar & Defund the Abortion Giant 

While both abortion mills allegedly partake in illegal activity, Hey Jane reportedly does it right out in the open, brazen as can be.  

Don’t believe us? NBC reported earlier this year that Hey Jane is one of several pill pushers operating outside of the law. According to NBC

“Providers such as Aid Access, Hey Jane and Just the Pill operate both within and outside the established health care system — including mailing abortion medications…setting up mobile clinics and offering financial assistance  —  often staying in close contact with one another.” (emphasis added) 

The U.S. General Services Administration defines suspension and debarment as a process that “protects the federal government from fraud, waste and abuse by using a number of tools to avoid doing business with non-responsible contractors.” 

Partnering with an organization that openly and reportedly breaks the law is irresponsible and leads to real safety concerns. It’s a no brainer.

Adding to the list of safety concerns, in a detailed article about how Planned Parenthood can be debarred and defunded, Students for Life Action (SFLAction) Vice President of Media and Policy Kristi Hamrick detailed their long list of safety issues, including:  

“In 2021: UNSAFE details the reality of conditions in abortion businesses, documenting that more than 300 facilities in 39 states were cited for more than 2,400 health and safety deficiencies between 2008 and 2020, including hundreds of significant violations of state laws meant to ensure basic health and safety.” 

If Planned Parenthood can’t keep its facilities safe, how can it ensure “safety” by discreetly mailing Chemical Abortion Pills?

NBC reports the increase in chemical abortion, writing, “In the six months after Dobbs, researchers saw an increase in women getting abortion medication outside the traditional health care system, with more than 27,000 additional instances, according to a recent study in the journal JAMA.” 

This is consistent with over 60% of abortions occurring through Chemical Abortion Pills, according to Planned Parenthood’s research brand, the Guttmacher Institute. If these allegedly illegal practices continue, that number will continue to skyrocket, killing preborn children and putting mothers at risk.  

Thankfully, SFLAction is releasing more plans to debar and defund Planned Parenthood in addition to our Make America Pro-Life Again roadmap. 

Along with Planned Parenthood’s alleged body part selling, fraud, and failure to report sex crimes, among other reasons, SFLAction will add Hey Jane to the list of reasons to debar and defund Planned Parenthood.  

READ: Planned Parenthood Needs to Leave the Child Butchering Business. What I Saw Rallying Against Gender Ideology at the U.S. Supreme Court