October 30, 2024

Senator Marco Rubio’s Latest Op-Ed: The Truth About Amendment 4


Students for Life Action (SFLAction) applauds U.S. Senator Sen. Marco Rubio’s most recent op-ed where he lays out the presents a compelling case for defending life by voting NO on Florida’s Amendment 4. Sen. Rubio has been a loud and proud voice for preborn lives in the U.S. Senate, saying, “I support any laws that protect unborn human life. I believe that human life is worthy of dignity and protection. And I support laws that protect our unborn human life. I always have.”   

READ: Sen. Marco Rubio Gives Master Class in Defending LIFE on NBC’s Meet the Press  


He has likewise been a stalwart voice against Chemical Abortion Pills and the harms they cause to the environment and preborn babies alike, saying, “The full impact of mifepristone has never been sufficiently studied. When the FDA approved the drug in 2000, it relied on a 1996 environmental assessment that failed to consider that human fetal remains and the drug’s active metabolites would be making their way into wastewater systems across the U.S. Any studies that have been conducted in the past should be repeated and updated to reflect the fact that the drug is far more prevalent today than it was three decades ago.”   

READ: Students for Life Action Applauds GOP Leaders Sen. Rubio and Rep. Brecheen for Fighting Against Abortion Water Pollution 


Sen. Rubio brought his usual eloquence and passion for the most vulnerable in our nation to the pages of The Floridian this week: 

“For the first time in half a century, voters across the country are making decisions about one of the most divisive issues in modern American politics: abortion. Or more accurately, at what stage in pregnancy it is acceptable to end the life of an unborn child. 

I am unapologetically pro-life because it is our most fundamental right. Without life, the freedom of speech, assembly, and all the other rights we cherish are impossible. But I also recognize that this is not an easy issue. Many would-be moms find themselves in heartbreaking situations, and the question of how we regulate abortion creates an inherent conflict between two rights: the right of the mother and the right of her baby to live. 

These are not easy conversations, and policy decisions should not be taken lightly, but we owe it to all of those who are yet to be born to have an honest conversation. Unfortunately, proponents of Amendment 4 are deliberately misleading Floridians about the sweeping nature of the proposed amendment.” 

READ THE FULL OP-ED HERE: The Truth About Amendment 4