
Students for Life Action Cheers wins in 33 General Election Races Featuring Pro-Life Champions (and Counting) in 61 Contests Across 16 States; A 51% Win Ratio in Only our Second Major Election Cycle

November 7, 2024

THREE Students for Life of America Alumni Win their Races

“The Democrats banked everything on abortion for this election, and voters rejected that push for unrestricted abortion through all nine months in these key, down ballot races. Building the Republican Farm Team is how LIFE will ultimately win in America,” said Students for Life Action President Kristan Hawkins. “And stay tuned for our “Mini-Roe Roadmap” – a plan for states & the federal government to address the number one method of abortion in the world – Chemical Abortion Pills. Even in states with new, so-called state Constitutional provisions, we have a plan.”

MEDIA ADVISORY: Mark Tuesday, Nov. 12th on your calendar for the Mini-Roe Roadmap Launch.

MEDIA NOTE: To speak with organization leadership about the election results, email [email protected].


WASHINGTON D.C., VA (11-06-2024) – Students for Life Action (SFLAction) celebrates wins in 33 state races, the culmination of a primary strategy that involved getting better choices for general election vote. A key example of the success of this strategy was replacing the three GOP “Sister Senators” who scuttled a pro-life vote at the South Carolina statehouse last spring, only to lose their primaries this June and be replaced in the general.

CLICK HERE TO READ MORE about the South Carolina “Sister Senators” Loss, in Hawkins’ op-ed titled: Getting Rid of Foxes in the Pro-Life Henhouse

During the Primary & General Election season, we engaged in 217 races and won 119 races, translating to a cost-per-vote return on investment of less than $1,200 a victory. That’s a 55% percent win ratio on a limited budget, strong for an organization in its second major election cycle since 2019. 

In addition, three SFLA alumni won their respective races including:

  • State Senator Dr. Bob Onder for Missouri Congressional District 3.
  • Sam Farrington for New Hampshire House District 8.
  • Attorney T.J. Roberts for Kentucky House District 66.

Other major wins include more than 119 Pro-Life champions winning their races, two State Houses flipped towards pro-life majorities, and a pro-abortion Supreme Court judge defeated in Oklahoma.  

SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins said, “Last night’s results show that American voters, when educated about why preborn lives are worthy of protection and what can be done to save them, will choose to side with Life. The Youth Vote, the largest voting bloc in America, was instrumental to our state-level victories tonight.

“For the past two years, Students for Life Action has relentlessly engaged voters on campuses and in communities nationwide about the pro-abortion extremism of the Democrat Party and their candidates Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. However, the fight is not over, and, at the state level, we will now be turning to working with these newly elected pro-life leaders to swiftly pass pro-life legislation or to shore up existing protections against future assaults on the preborn and their mothers by the abortion lobby and the Democrat Party.” 

As the largest youth-based pro-life organization in America, SFLAction and our sister organization Students for Life of America (SFLA) engaged in 13 deployments in the last year to engage and educate voters about the biggest abortion and pro-life issues facing their states. Our major general election deployments included Nebraska, Arizona, Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Florida, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania.  

Our ads were seen by young voters nearly one million times (989,149) and we reached over 375k young voters in key battleground states.

The Pro-Life Generation fought hard for mothers and their children, born and preborn, despite being financial Davids to the Radical Abortion Industry’s Goliaths. 

As a result of our grassroots army’s considerable efforts, SFLAction is proud to announce the following major victories: 


Florida’s Amendment 4 was defeated, as a direct result of SFLAction’s deployment efforts in the state. The measure was defeated 57% to 43%.

Prior to the election, SFLAction deployed students and staff to door-knock and engage voters in Celebration, FL, distributing literature about the pro-life candidates in those races, as well as why to vote against Amendment 4.  

State engagement numbers for 2024 at a glance:  

  • 424,919 personal text messages sent.  
  • 67,972 phone calls made.  
  • Over 20,000 pieces of pro-life literature distributed. 
  • Over 11,000 doors knocked on during student deployments.  
  • Our Florida targeted digital ads were seen 1,040,461 times, with 3,859 conversations resulting in 1,954 conversions of previously pro-abortion Florida voters.



State Rep. Jim DeSana was successfully re-elected to House District 29. Prior to the election, SFLAction deployed students and staff to door-knock and engage voters in House District 29, distributing literature about the pro-life candidates in those races.  

State engagement numbers for 2024 at a glance:  

  • 28 volunteers were sent on one deployment.
  • 3,727 doors knocked. 
  • 1,159 texts sent and 810 calls made.



In Missouri’s 3rd Congressional district, pro-life doctor and former Missouri State Senator Dr. Bob Onder won his race, who sponsored Missouri’s chief pro-life laws, is the first Students for Life of America (SFLA) “alumni” elected to Congress.

Prior to the election, SFLAction volunteers and staff door-knocked and engaged voters, distributing literature about pro-life candidates, and why to vote against Missouri’s Amendment 3. 

State engagement numbers for 2024 at a glance:  

  • 53,910 text messages sent.  
  • Over 20,000 pieces of pro-life literature distributed. 
  • 15,271 doors knocked by student volunteers.



Pro-life Republican opponent Tim Sheehy defeated Democrat Sen. John Tester for a much-needed U.S. Senate seat.

Prior to the election, SFLAction volunteers and staff door-knocked and engaged voters in key districts in Montana, both to educate voters about the pro-life candidates running in their state and why to vote against the pro-abortion ballot initiative CI-128, which unfortunately won.

State engagement numbers for 2024 at a glance:  

  • 13,474 personal text messages sent.
  • 3,741 phone calls made.
  • Over 5,000 pieces of pro-life literature distributed. 
  • 3,356 doors knocked on during a student deployment. 
  • Our Montana targeted digital ads were seen 151,131 times, with 957 conversations resulting in 539 conversions of previously pro-abortion Montana voters.



Nebraska’s pro-abortion ballot initiative, Initiative 439, was defeated as a direct result of SFLAction’s deployment efforts in the state. The measure was defeated 51.2% to 48.8%. Likewise, Initiative 434, to keep the current 12-week law in place, passed 55.3% to 44.7%.

Additionally, liberal State Sen. Jen Day appears to have lost her race, meaning there’s a chance to secure the 33 Republicans needed to override the filibuster.

Prior to the election, SFLAction volunteers and staff door-knocked and engaged voters in state Senate Districts 37 and 41, distributing literature about the candidates, and Nebraska’s Initiative 439. 

State engagement numbers for 2024 at a glance:  

  • 177,452 personal text messages sent.  
  • 16,632 phone calls made.  
  • Over 7,500 pieces of pro-life literature distributed. 
  • 4,357 doors knocked on during two student deployments. 

Nebraska targeted digital ads were seen 438,314 times, with 2,427 conversations resulting in 1,222 conversions of previously pro-abortion Nebraska voters.


New Hampshire

Republican Sam Farrington, another SFLA alumni, won his election to the New Hampshire State House.

Additionally, the election of U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte as Governor is a solid pickup, given that former Gov. Chris Sununu was infamously terrible on the abortion issue, and actively pushed Republicans to repeal the state’s six-month abortion prevention law. 


North Carolina 

Several pro-life candidates won key general election races, including: 

  • Senate District 1 – Robert Hanig
  • Senate District 34 – Sen. Paul Newton
  • House District 5 – Rep. Bill Ward
  • House District 73 – Johnathan Almond
  • House District 82 – Brian Echevarria

Prior to the election, SFLAction volunteers and staff door-knocked and engaged voters, distributing literature about the pro-life candidates up for election in NC Senate district’s 1 and 34, NC State House District’s 5 and 73, and U.S. Congressional District 1. 



Several pro-life candidates won key general election races, including: 

  • Senate District 13 – Johnathan Wingard
  • Senate District 34 – Kendal Sacchieri
  • Senate District 41 – Rep. Denise Crosswhite-Hader

In addition, SFLAction is pleased to announce that a pro-abortion Supreme Court judge in Oklahoma was defeated, and Yvonne Kauger will take over the seat. Students for Life Action ran an 8 day digital ad campaign with a video targeting three judges, garnering over 451,000 views.   



Several pro-life candidates won key general election races, including: 

  • Senate District 3 – Rep. Dawn Keefer
  • Congressional District 10 – Rep. Scott Perry

Prior to the election, SFLAction volunteers and staff door-knocked and engaged voters in State Senate District 31 and Congressional District 10, distributing literature about the voting records of pro-life candidates up for election this November. 


South Carolina 

Several pro-life candidates won key general election races, including: 

  • House District 13 – John McCravy
  • House District 34 – Sarita Edgerton
  • Senate District 23 – Carlisle Kennedy
  • Senate District 27 – Allen Blackmon  
  • Senate District 41 – Rep. Matt Leber

Whenthree GOP “sister” senators in South Carolinaflip-flopped in spring 2023 and declared their intention to oppose the passage of pro-life laws, including SFLAction’s Life at Conception Act, the trioreceived a whimsical award of a backbone from SFLAction, reminding the legislators to “get a spine”and stand up to the abortion lobby.And the Pro-Life Generation didn’t forget their betrayal, engaging in their GOP primaries this spring. All three lost their elections.   


South Dakota

Prior to the election, SFLAction volunteers and staff door-knocked and engaged voters in key districts in South Dakota, both to educate voters about the pro-life candidates running in their state and why to vote against the pro-abortion ballot initiative. 

Additionally, South Dakota’s pro-abortion ballot initiative, Amendment G, was defeated as a direct result of SFLAction’s deployment efforts in the state. The measure was soundly defeated 60% to 40%.

State engagement numbers for 2024 at a glance:  

  • 52,152 personal text messages sent.  
  • 4,881 phone calls made.  
  • 4,000 pieces of pro-life literature distributed. 
  • 2,470 doors knocked on during student deployments 
  • Our South Dakota targeted digital ads were seen 141,326 times, generating 804 conversations and 367 conversions of previously pro-abortion South Dakota voters.


West Virginia 

Several pro-life candidates won key general election races, including: 

  • House District 97 – Chris Anders
  • House District 96 – Lisa White
  • Senate District 2 – Chris Rose  
  • Senate District 15 – Tom Willis
  • Senate District 16 – Sen. Patricia Rucker
  • Attorney General – J.B. McCuskey

Of note, State Sen. Patricia Rucker worked with SFLAction to introduce the West Virginia Clean Water for All Life Act (SB 278), legislation which incorporated Red Bag Medical Wastelanguage and regulations around the clear identification of “BIOHAZARDS.” 

SFLAction volunteers engaged voters in her district and others about the pro-abortionists haunting the Republican Party in their state. As a result, the race in Sen. Rucker’s district was won by a mere 200 votes in the primary. 


“Our entire team stood proudly on campuses and in communities over the the last two years, and especially during the last few months of our major deployments,” said Hawkins. “Now we’re in place to advocate for a new policy roadmap to lasting protections for LIFE.”




The Pro-Life Generation (PLG) is an umbrella organization encompassing the most-cutting edge engagement opportunities for a Vote Pro-Life First Community. PLG includes Students for Life Action (SFLAction), a 501c4, along with its 501c3 sister organization, Students for Life of America (SFLA), that together make up the nation’s largest, pro-life youth organization, managing a grassroots political and policy operation engaging Americans of all ages but with a special emphasis on the largest segment of voters — the Youth Vote. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, PLG/SFLA/SFLAction serves more than 1,500 groups on middle, high school, college, medical, and law school campuses in all 50 states. Our team has more conversations with this generation targeted by the abortion lobby than any other pro-life operation in the world, each week reaching more than 4 million across social media platforms and averaging 1.3 million video views. In addition to SFLA/SFLAction, PLG leads multiple initiatives to lead and serve the future of the pro-life movement including the Campaign for Abortion Free CitiesStanding With You, and the Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement . Over more than 17 years, PLG CEO Kristan Hawkins has grown the operation into a nearly $20M organization, now preparing for an abortion-free America.