UPDATE: 1/19/2021
The Kansas Legislature is expected to vote on the Value Them Both Amendment on Thursday, January 21, 2021. Please take 30 seconds to fill out this form to urge the Kansas Legislature to pass the Value Them Both Amendment today.
“Jan Kessinger’s loss is a cautionary tale to Republicans. If you won’t help us save preborn lives, we will find someone who will,” said Titus Folks, Students for Life Action National Campaigns Advisor.
KANSAS CITY, KS (08-05-2020) – Students for Life Action congratulated pro-life champion Jane Dirks on Tuesday for successfully unseating incumbent, House Representative Jan Kessinger (R-20), in Kansas’s State House District 20 Republican primary.
“Jane Dirks’ victory in district 20 is one that Republican politicians should take note of. It is overwhelmingly clear that pro-life issues are a priority to Kansas conservatives,” said Titus Folks, SFL Action National Campaigns Advisor. “Kessinger’s loss is a win for Kansans.”
SFL Action students mobilized to contact more than 4,000 voters. They connected with them by phone, text, and at their front doors to alert them to Kessinger’s opposition to pro-life efforts.
Kessinger lost Republican support when he opposed HCR 5019, also known as the “Value Them Both Amendment.” Kessinger was one of 4 Republicans who stopped the state legislature from overriding the governor’s veto.
Kessinger also cast the deciding vote on SB67, which would have opened the doors to educating women on the abortion pill reversal process. Abortion pill reversals have has saved hundreds of children from abortion when their mothers sought help after taking starting the chemical abortion process.
Those interested in volunteering to elect pro-life candidates can visit voteprolifefirst.org.
For questions or an interview, please contact Kristi Hamrick at [email protected].