
Students for Life Action Launches New TV Ad Showcasing the Harris-Walz Disregard for Human Life & Support for Infanticide, Including Geo-Fencing at the DNC Convention

August 21, 2024

“America faces the most pro-abortion extremists in American history with Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz atop Democratic Party Presidential Ticket,” said Students for Life Action President Kristan Hawkins. “Their vision for America is a national abortion law more far-reaching than Roe, limitless, and with no medical care for infants born alive after abortion. Their radical records in California, Congress, and Minnesota show a blatant disregard for human life and an indifference to infanticide. We are going to show America how dangerously extreme a future Harris-Walz administration could be.”   


Contact [email protected] to set up interviews. 


WASHINGTON D.C. (08-21-2024) Students for Life Action (SFLAction) today launched a new ad  to show American voters that Vice President Kamala Harris isn’t just pro-abortion, but pro-infanticide as well. SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins said, “The media’s love affair with Vice President Kamala Harris has resulted in silence about the brutal reality of the Democrat Party’s ticket: both Harris and her running mate are not just pro-abortion, they’re pro-infanticide.  When given the chance to vote for legislation ensuring that babies who survive a botched abortion would receive life-saving care and medical assistance, Harris said “no.” Her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz supported abortion up to birth, as his state moved to stop the reporting of babies born during botched abortion rather than ensure they get medical care. In fact, Walz also said in June 2018 that his ‘record is so pro-choice Nancy Pelosi asked me if I should tone it down. I stand with Planned Parenthood.’  

“The American people need to know that whether preborn or born, their potential future President and Vice President are indifferent to what happens to their children they don’t value.” 

The ad is part of a on-going national digital campaign to reach voters, especially young and politically-moderate voters, before Election Day and will also be distributed at the DNC Convention using geo-fencing, to highlight the extremism of the ticket. More ads are planned as part of this educational effort about the life-and-death stakes in the Presidential election. 


A transcript of the 60 second ad is below: 

“That’s the sound of a newborn baby crying. A baby screaming for help. Will anyone help her? 

Kamala Harris says no. In 2020, Kamala Harris voted against the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Act as a United States Senator.  

That bill would’ve required all babies who are born alive after a botched abortion to receive medical care. Kamala Harris would rather these babies die.  

This isn’t just wrong – it’s heartless.  

If you agree, call Kamala Harris today. 

Tell Kamala Harris to stop selling out for her abortionist pals. 202-456-1111.”


SFLAction has noted in previously that Harris’ record on abortion is among the most radically liberal in America, targeting pro-life activists while in California, pushing for limitless abortion in the Senate and as Vice President, and being the first sitting Vice President to ever visit an abortion facility.  



For interviews, contact  [email protected] 




The Pro-Life Generation (PLG) is an umbrella organization encompassing the most-cutting edge engagement opportunities for a Vote Pro-Life First Community. PLG includes Students for Life Action (SFLAction), a 501c4, along with its 501c3 sister organization, Students for Life of America (SFLA), that together make up the nation’s largest, pro-life youth organization, managing a grassroots political and policy operation engaging Americans of all ages but with a special emphasis on the largest segment of voters — the Youth Vote. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, PLG/SFLA/SFLAction serves more than 1,400 groups on middle, high school, college, medical, and law school campuses in all 50 states. Our team has more conversations with this generation targeted by the abortion lobby than any other pro-life operation in the world, each week reaching more than 4 million across social media platforms and averaging 1.3 million video views. In addition to SFLA/SFLAction, PLG leads multiple initiatives to lead and serve the future of the pro-life movement including the Campaign for Abortion Free Cities, Standing With You, and the Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement . Over more than 17 years, PLG CEO Kristan Hawkins has grown the operation into a nearly $20M organization, now preparing for an abortion-free America.