Remember that story earlier this year about the Catholic groups that were being targeted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)? Remember how Attorney General Merrick Garland said it wasn’t true? It turns out it was real after all – but it seems no “good” deed goes unpunished, according to reporting in The Washington Times:
“The FBI has not fired anyone involved in drafting the memo that labeled “traditional Catholics” as potential domestic terrorists because their overstep was not “intentional,” FBI Director Christopher A. Wray told Congress.
“He said, however, that some employees of the field office in Richmond, Virginia, where the memo originated, have been “admonished” and had notes placed in their personnel records. He said that could affect their future compensation.
“Although he was “aghast” after seeing the memo, he said, it didn’t signal any deep anti-Catholic bias within the bureau’s ranks.”
That’s all buzzwords and meaningless tripe ultimately when you consider that the agents responsible get a punishment that is effectively just them experiencing the same inflation as everyone else for gross violations of people’s civil liberties.
Pro-lifers have been harassed and targeted by their own government for years. Some have even been arrested or gone to prison. It’s completely ridiculous.
Buried under the headline, however, is a mention about the FBI being “slammed” with many cases involving violence against pro-life centers since the leak of the SCOTUS draft of Dobbs. Not that your typical American would know any of this, because a cursory Google search of the term “cases of violence or vandalism against pro-life centers” focuses almost entirely on the alleged violence that abortion facilities face. The media covers it up. What else is new?
Yet, even if corrupt government agencies won’t hold themselves accountable, the good news is that some alternative media organizations and groups are fighting back.
According to an article in The Federalist, the state of Texas has joined the Daily Wire and The Federalist in a lawsuit against the United States State Department. Why?
“This lawsuit alleges the State Department is illegally using a counter-terrorism center intended to fight foreign “disinformation” instead to stop American citizens from speaking and listening to information government officials dislike. Other recent investigations have also found government counter-terrorism resources and tactics being used to shape American public opinion and policy.
“Through grants and product development assistance to private entities including the Global Disinformation Index (GDI) and NewsGuard, the lawsuit alleges, the State Department “is actively intervening in the news-media market to render disfavored press outlets unprofitable by funding the infrastructure, development, and marketing and promotion of censorship technology and private censorship enterprises to covertly suppress speech of a segment of the American press.”
Arguably among the most serious violations of constitutional rights in modern history, this lawsuit is among the latest salvos being fired against government censorship efforts, which have become legion.
Last year, investigative journalists uncovered the Twitter Files, which showed federal agencies pressured almost every major social media platform to hide, censor, or suppress millions of posts and users, mostly on the political right.
And now a U.S. citizen is also facing jail time from the DOJ. His crime: sharing anti-Hillary Clinton memes on Twitter.
The corruption in the federal government is staggering—particularly as it pertains to the pro-life movement — and it needs to be punished. Hopefully, the lawsuit against the State Department isn’t just successful – but devastating, with firings and punitive damages in the millions. That kind of punch-back is the real justice the pro-life movement deserves.