On March 2nd, U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) joined Students for Life Action President Kristan Hawkins to discuss how taxpayers are funding abortions at home and overseas as well as free speech violations impacting Americans. This was another installment of SFLAction’s on-going, LIVE webcasts that bring decision makers directly to the Pro-Life Generation, educating and activating them on the human rights issue of our day – abortion.
Senator Lee is a consistent champion for the preborn and is well-aware of just how unpopular current Democrat abortion policies are – especially with young people. Students for Life has polled that only 7% of millennials support the Democrat Platform on abortion (through all nine months, for any reason, and taxpayer-funded). So, his ardent support of the Hyde Amendment (which prevents tax money from directly funding abortion) is exactly in line with mainstream opinion.
Thankfully, Senator Lee is also especially passionate about ceasing America’s funding of abortions overseas, advocating instead that U.S. foreign aid should only benefit programs that respect all human life. He has introduced the Protecting Life in Foreign Assistance Act accordingly.
This 20-minute webcast was hard-hitting and full of great conversation on abortion’s hottest topics. Watch above, like, and share!