
We Won’t Be Silenced: Students for Life of America Launches ALMOST ABORTED Billboard Campaign with True Stories that Abortion Extremist Democrats IGNORE

June 7, 2024

The Pro-Life Generation and Students for Life of America (SFLA) are using their voices to counter the one-sided, misogynistic advertising and messaging pushed by the abortion-hungry Biden-Harris Administration and the over-funded abortion industry by targeting states with ballot initiatives.  

“Pro-Life Generation is going on the offense in this election cycle with the ALMOST ABORTED National Campaign launching in Times Square, sharing the stories of those who value life and who rejected the hopelessness of the Biden-Harris late-term abortion agenda,” said Students for Life of America’s Kristan Hawkins. “In Ohio, Kansas, and Kentucky, millions were spent to scare and discourage women, and, in this election cycle, hundreds of millions in ad buys will push misogynistic stories telling women they are not strong enough for life’s challenges. In ALMOST ABORTED, we will illustrate the stories of those willing to take a chance on themselves and their children.”


For inquiries, email [email protected] 

WASHINGTON D.C. & NEW YORK CITY (06-7-2024) – As Democrats use their platforms and power to dump hundreds of millions of dollars in pro-abortion election spending to mislead the public and tell only one side of the abortion story, the Pro-Life Generation is countering their narrative. Beginning in Times Square with what will first be a six-figure buy, the ALMOST ABORTED campaign will launch in six states with ballot initiatives. Pro-Life Generation (PLG) CEO and Students for Life of America (SFLA)President Kristan Hawkins will anchor a media event in New York City’s Times Square today, June 7, at 1 p.m. ET that features people who were pressured to abort, survived an abortion, or regretfully did abort.  

“We may be a pro-life David to their abortion-loving Goliath, but as a pro-life leader and person of faith, I live those odds every day,” said Hawkins. “But we will fight to tell the stories of those who choose like, or in the case of one mourning father, who wanted to choose life. We want voters to know what happens when abortion isn’t how people address profound moments in their lives.”  

The PLG & SFLA ALMOST ABORTED National Campaign will be featured in Florida, Nebraska, South Dakota, Missouri, and Arizona, as well as the digital billboard in New York’s Times Square. It also includes a digital marketing campaign and will be available for sponsorship in other states throughout the campaign cycle.  

JUST HOW BIG WILL PRO-ABORTION STORYTELLING BE? For evidence of the pro-abortion storytelling planned, consider the New York Times: This Is the Democrats’ Best Shot in 2024. And They Are Spending Like Crazy on It. The Washington PostHouse Democratic PAC launching $100 million effort on abortion rightsCNNDemocratic group launches $25 million ad blitz targeting Trump on abortion. And don’t forget Planned Parenthood’s spending, detailed in part here, in the New York Times: Outside Groups Pledge Over $1 Billion to Aid Biden’s Re-election Effort.

The campaign will feature the tragic reasons abortion activists exploit to promote late-term abortion laws, especially in the advertising already underway. Also participating at the event will be Tommy Kearns, who, in a viral video conversation with Hawkins, told the story of his adored and aborted daughter, Clementine, and the grief he carries for having no voice as a father to save her life.   

“For men who want a voice in the life and death decisions of abortion, voting pro-life first in 2024 is the only option,” said Hawkins. 


LOCATION: West 43rd, between 7th & Broadway


TIME: 1 p.m. ET


PLG and SFLA’sKristan Hawkins, whose three of four children have genetic conditions. 

“Every day, we face the prejudice of those who look at others and believe they shouldn’t be alive,” said Hawkins. “But their coldness and cowardice doesn’t have to be mine.” 

Hear Kristan’s Story.

Mia and Cara Armstrong, who represent the Down syndrome community.   

When told that her daughter, Mia, has Down syndrome, Armstrong was encouraged by her doctor to “kill two birds with one stone” and get an early amniocentesis that would likely cause a miscarriage.  

Hear Cara’s Story.

Rebecca Kiessling, who was conceived in rape.   

Kiessling’s birth mother was raped at knifepoint. She decided not to get an abortion, and Kiessling was adopted.  

“Women who survive violent attacks deserve love, support, care, and resources,” Kiessling said. “Not more violence inside of her in the form of abortion.” 

Hear Rebecca’s Story.

Tina Whittington, who was urged to abort after receiving a fetal diagnosis that later proved false.  

“Over the years, I have run into dozens of other mothers who have had the same or similar situation happen to them where a doctor recommended that they abort their baby,” explained Whittington. “And none of us regret choosing life.” 

Hear Tina’s Story.

Melissa Ohden, who survived a botched abortion.   

Ohden’s biological mother was a college student and was forced into an abortion forced on her by her mother, but she survived.  

Hear Melissa’s Story When It Launches on ALMOST ABORTED.

Tommy Kearns, who fought to prevent the late-term abortion of his daughter Clementine, was made famous in a viral video from an SFLA event.   

“Clementine’s life was robbed from her,” said Kearns to SFLA. “My daughter was going to make a difference, and she still will.”  

Hear Kearns’ Story.

Learn about Kearns’ story in this exclusive interview with Kristan Hawkins.   

 Stand with Fathers Hurt by Abortion HERE. 

“We are coming out on the offense against the Kate Cox strategy, sharing stories that confront the bullying campaigns of the abortion lobby and the Biden-Harris Campaign that continuously pushes abortion as the only option,” said Hawkins.   

MEDIA NOTE: When President Biden pushed Cox’s story at the State of the Union, SFLAction encouraged members of Congress to invite pro-life guests (and some did) and featured an event telling numerous stories from those whose children shared the same condition as Cox’s aborted child, including an appearance from Sen. Rick Santorum.  

WATCH HEREWe Chose Life Webcast: Countering the Pro-Abortion, Kate Cox Narrative   

The ALMOST ABORTED National Campaign currently features 14 stories sharing how mothers confronted adverse fetal diagnosis, a Down syndrome and Trisomy 18 diagnosis, rape, unexpected pregnancy, and survivor’s guilt from a botched abortion, as well as a story of abortion grief.  

In New York City, the digital billboard will feature rotating storylines, including:   

  • I was Raped & Pressured to Abortmy Child. Hear My Story at AlmostAborted.Life/Angela.  
  • I have a Deformed Left Arm because an Abortionist Attempted to Abort Me. Hear My Story at AlmostAborted.Life/Josiah.  
  • We were Pressured to Abort our daughter, Faith, because of her abnormality. Hear My Story at AlmostAborted.Life/Faith.  
  • I am the ‘Product of Rape,’ but my life matters. Hear My Story at AlmostAborted.Life/Rebecca.  
  • My Daughter, Clementine, was Aborted despite my pleas. Hear My Story at AlmostAborted.Life/Clementine.   

“The Democratic Party and the abortion industry have been propping up the Biden-Harris ticket as well as stumping for extreme late-term abortion ballot initiatives. To try and pull away voters, abortion extremists have invested in the theme that women can’t ‘make it’ without abortion. They sell women short and then sell them an abortion. We want women, girls, and families to know that they are not alone, that they are strong, and that life is worth it,” said Hawkins.   

Learn about the realities of late-term abortion from Ohden here.  

For those needing help or information on resources for those pregnant and parenting, visit: STANDING WITH YOU.  

For interviews, email [email protected].    


The Pro-Life Generation (PLG) is an umbrella organization encompassing the most-cutting edge engagement opportunities for a Vote Pro-Life First Community. PLG includes Students for Life Action (SFLAction), a 501c4, along with its 501c3 sister organization, Students for Life of America (SFLA), that together make up the nation’s largest, pro-life youth organization, managing a grassroots political and policy operation engaging Americans of all ages but with a special emphasis on the largest segment of voters — the Youth Vote. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, PLG/SFLA/SFLAction serves more than 1,400 groups on middle, high school, college, medical, and law school campuses in all 50 states. Our team has more conversations with this generation targeted by the abortion lobby than any other pro-life operation in the world, each week reaching more than 4 million across social media platforms and averaging 1.3 million video views. In addition to SFLA/SFLAction, PLG leads multiple initiatives to lead and serve the future of the pro-life movement including the Campaign for Abortion Free CitiesStanding With You, and the Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement . Over more than 17 years, PLG CEO Kristan Hawkins has grown the operation into a nearly $20M organization, now preparing for an abortion-free America.