Another day, another desperate power grab. Say what you want about the pro-abortion left, but they sure know what songs to play to their adoring fans – even if their ship is sinking slowly below the electoral waves.
Today’s golden oldie is about the filibuster. According to the Washington Examiner, “Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said there are enough votes in the Senate to “suspend the filibuster” and codify Roe v. Wade protections.
If Democrats keep control of the Senate and White House and take back control of the House come November, Warren said there are enough votes to codify Roe v. Wade into law. The filibuster allows Congress to delay or block a vote on legislation by preventing debate on the measure from ending.
“We will suspend the filibuster. We have the votes for that on Roe v. Wade,” Warren said on ABC’s The View.”
No, they don’t, and since we all know the lyrics by now, let’s sing along together:
- Getting rid of the filibuster requires a 2/3 vote.
- The Democrats currently have 50 votes and a tiebreaker from Vice President Kamala Harris.
- According to 270toWin, even the most optimistic polling scenario for Democrats is that they control 52 Senate seats when the election is over.
As we said in a previous article on the Students for Life Action (SFLAction) website, “Let’s be perfectly clear: The Democrats don’t care about norms or institutions, or the sacred Democracy they purport to love or protect, despite claims to the contrary. One only needs to look at the naked corruption on display with the targeted prosecution of former President Donald Trump.”
And earlier this week, it was about trying to restructure and pack the U.S. Supreme Court. But of course, that attack also tracks with the Democrats loathing of institutions and checks and balances, because in Joe Biden’s Presidential term to date, the U.S. Supreme Court handed the two biggest losses of his Presidency – Roe v. Wade being reversed, and Trump effectively being given Presidential immunity.
READ: Signs You Might be Desperate and Losing in an Election Year
Who knows what check and balance on their power the Democrats will attack tomorrow. Maybe they’ll surprise us all and argue in favor of the Constitutional framework for the three co-equal government branches.