The Democrat Party and its media allies are feeling pretty good about the presidential race as of late. Vice President Kamala Harris is seen as a vibrant, “joyful” candidate who’s got the major upside of being coherent and mobile, something that former candidate President Joe Biden did not. Even Harris’ hyper-socialist VP pick Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has mobilized the base into a frenzy, with outlets fawning over his mid-western dad bonafides.
But there’s one major problem – a lot of the things that Harris is promising to do or fix are her fault.
One Axios article notes that “Harris won’t say it this bluntly in public, but her advisers do so privately: She wants to break with Biden on issues on which he’s unpopular. First up: rising prices. This is part of a highly choreographed effort to define herself — in some cases, redefine herself — as a different kind of Democrat.”
However, eagle-eyed sleuths have been reminding Americans that not only is this impossible, but the campaigns and even the media itself are working overtime to hide her abysmal record – Walz’s as well.
We have written previously about Harris’ many flip-flops and policy changes.
Below is a list of the times that her campaign or the media has been caught red-handed, so far, trying to re-write history or make people forget about it entirely.
As Attorney General, Kamala Harris worked hard to prosecute pro-life activists and organizations. Most notably, she waged a sustained campaign against pro-life activist David Daleiden for his undercover videos noting that her campaign contributor, Planned Parenthood, was allegedly and illegally selling aborted baby body parts.
This is despite her best efforts to hide that it came out recently. As reported in The Daily Wire, “Never before seen footage showing a Planned Parenthood employee appearing to discuss the sale of aborted babies’ body parts was released Tuesday, years after now-Vice President Kamala Harris seized the footage as Attorney General of California.
Axios went viral in June 2024 for claiming that “The Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the “border czar” title — which she never actually had.”
However, Axios themselves referred to Harris as the Border Czar in numerous articles, including from the same reporter: “President Biden is putting Vice President Harris in charge of addressing the migrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border, senior administration officials announced on Wednesday.”
What’s more, the White House itself issued a statement saying that Harris was in charge of the border.
Even CNN back in 2021 noted her inability to speak plainly about the issue she was tasked with solving was a problem.
The examples of this are endless – and no wonder the Harris campaign wants to run far as possible from this. Since Biden became President, illegal immigration has soared to record levels, according to reporting from The Washington Post, averaging two million per year – far more than ever crossed during the Trump Presidency.
Kamala Harris made headlines when she announced she support a proposal first suggested by President Donald Trump – removing taxes on tips for service industry workers. The media fawned and cooed over this worker-facing-solution to the inflation she helped create.
One small problem.
She voted for taxing tips by casting the tie-breaking vote in the Senate to ensure the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) was equipped with the tools to go after this revenue. According to reporting by FairTax.org, “On August 7, 2022, Harris cast the tie-breaking vote to pass the Inflation Reduction Act that provided $80 billion in additional funding to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which then got to work cracking down on the service industry’s reporting of tips so that they could be taxed.”
Then Sen. Harris was once scored as one of the most – if not the most – liberal U.S. Senators in the country back in 2019 by GovTrack. According to Fox News, “The self-described “government transparency website” scored Harris as the “most liberal compared to all senators” in 2019, outranking Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren at the time.”
But surprise surprise, that’s now been removed. According to Fox News, again, “But the web page with the ranking, which was widely covered in news reports during the 2020 election, was recently deactivated. The link now displays a “Page Not Found” message. The Internet Archive shows the page was deleted sometime between July 10 and July 23, with some on X claiming the page was still up on July 22.”
Gov. Walz isn’t going to be getting off easy either.
In 2022, the Minnesota Press was quite eager to pretend like Gov. Walz’ abortion positions weren’t as extreme as some were making them out to be. Commentary posted to the Minnesota Reformer said, “Likely Republican nominee Scott Jensen, who supports banning abortion, falsely said Gov. Tim Walz holds the view that abortion should be permitted “up-to-the-moment-of-birth.” “Late term, nine-month abortions championed by Tim Walz are not Minnesota values,” Jensen wrote in a statement in response to the Supreme Court decision.”
Except, independent media fact checkers found this wasn’t true at all – KHARE11 News found in 2024 that the law does indeed allow abortion until birth, “The statute does not include any specific prohibitions on abortions at any stage of pregnancy.”
Gov. Walz taught at a state-run and funded Macau Polytechnic University until 2007. According to reporting by the NY Post, “The school was established in 1981 and subscribes to the vision of China’s Belt and Road Initiative — a massive infrastructure program that is the cornerstone of Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s aggressive pursuit of influence overseas.”
Walz would later speak highly about his time in China, saying “no matter how long I live, I will never be treated that well again.”
However, his ties may go beyond those of a mere schoolteacher.
According to reporting from The Heritage Foundation’s Project Oversight, Gov. Walz spoke at a Chinese Communist Party influence groups 2019 national convention. Specifically, that Walz’s “co-headliner was Li Xiaolin – head of the Chinese People’s Assn. for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC). CPAFFC has been explicitly named by the USG as an instrument of CCP influence.”
Gov. Walz has been very vocal about his military record and service in the National Guard of Minnesota. He spoke about it during his introduction speech in Philadelphia when he was formally announced as the Vice-Presidential candidate in 2024.
However, since that day, there have been discrepancies caught in his story.
Stories began to come out regarding the validity of his claims.
An independent fact check on X (formerly Twitter) shows Gov. Walz referring to himself as a rank he never obtained: Command Sergeant Major. A separate campaign ad style video montage showed the same. He did this again as Ranking Member on the Veterans Affairs Committee as well. In another interview, when CSPAN’s Greta Brawner said he “served with his battalion in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.” He not only didn’t, Gov. Walz made no effort to correct this at any time during the interview. In a 2018 video he claimed he handled assault weapons in war. He never deployed to a war zone.