January 17, 2025

NINETEEN Students for Life Action Lobby Days, and It’s Only JANUARY! Check Out Our Top Wins  

Students for Life Action (SFLAction) hit the ground running, with students, staff, and volunteers, completing 19 out of the 26 lobby days scheduled with state leaders nationwide—and it’s not even the end of January.   

READ: Students for Life Action Takes the Message to “Make America Pro-Life Again” to State Legislators with Lobby Days in 26 States

SFLAction believes that informed legislators who claim to protect Life will act on legislation that does precisely that. These lobby days strengthen the Pro-Life Generation’s (PLG) influence in both state and federal legislation, urging lawmakers to prioritize the protection of preborn lives. This includes supporting bills such as Life at Conception, Chemical Abortion Pill Trafficking, and advocating for Clean Water for All. Additionally, we aim to defund and debar Planned Parenthood. Our efforts extend beyond protecting the preborn; we are also committed to safeguarding the rights and well-being of pregnant mothers. 

Check out our top wins—so far.   

South Carolina 

Alicia Foreman, Students for Life of America’s Carolinas Regional Coordinator, announced, “The South Carolina legislative session has officially started, and that means Students for Life of America was there to let our legislators know we won’t back down!”   

The Family Caucus hosted a press conference to discuss their top bills for the session, with the Life at Conception Act being the most important, as agreed upon by the legislators in the caucus. South Carolina Rep. McCravy led the charge and is pushing for the bill’s passage. Several other representatives also expressed their support, particularly the women in the South Carolina House, who each spoke about why this legislation is so important.  

Rep. McCravy, sponsor of the Human Life Protection Act, stated, “South Carolina is poised to finally enact the Human Life Protection Act,” said Rep. McCravy, sponsor of the Human Life Protection Act. “The last election many pro-abortion Democrats and their allies were replaced.  As a result of efforts led by Students for Life Action, the makeup of the State Senate has radically changed, and the South Carolina Family Caucus will use this opportunity to protect Life in law.”    

SFLA also dropped off thousands of petitions of support for the Life at Conception Act to Speaker of the House Murrel Smith Jr. and Senate President Thomas C. Alexander. We also dropped off letters and information on the Life at Conception Act, as well as other pro-life initiatives, to multiple senators and representatives.   


On Jan. 14, SFLA lobbied at the Wyoming State Capitol in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Victoria Trujillo, SFLA Rocky Mountain Regional Coordinator, and others spoke with legislators such as Rep. John Bear and Sen.Tim Salazar, who have sponsored and are sponsoring SFLAction’s legislation, and current Senate President Bo Biteman, who sponsored the Clean Water for All Act last session. Furthermore, Trujillo was invited back to speak on the bill on the Senate floor in February.  


On Jan. 13, 21 SFLA staff members, students, and volunteers participated in Kansas’ lobby day.  

“All of our meetings went very well,” reported SFLA’s Cheyenne Vandeventer. “I thanked [Sen. Michael Murphy and Rep. Samantha Poetter Parshall] for cosponsoring our bill last year. During our meeting with Rep. Brett Fairchild, I discovered he had already taken the lead on reintroducing the bill and had cosponsors lined up. He introduced the bill HB 2009!”  

This is the same bill that Vandeventer initially assisted SFLAction in filing by advocating for it in the Federal and State Affairs Committee. The bill now has lead sponsors in both the House and Senate, and is advancing through the standard legislative process this year. 


Madeline Bowler, SFLA Pacific Northwest Regional Coordinator, traveled to the State Capitol in Helena, Montana, to advocate for SFLAction’s legislation in her state. They visited with several Republican representatives, senators, and staffers. Bowler and her team also delivered printed information to legislators and all other SFLAction’s pro-life legislation. As a result, many legislators were interested in sponsoring our Chemical Abortion Prevention Act and Clean Water for All Act.   


On Jan. 7, Cori Rogers, SFLA Southern Regional Coordinator, headed to Jackson, Mississippi, to meet with legislators, calling on them to protect preborn children and mothers from the violence of abortion.   

“It was exciting being there and seeing the hustle and bustle of everyone getting ready for the first session of the year,” Rogers noted. “It was exciting to plan and see our legislation in their hands. I’m excited to involve my students and make a difference in Mississippi.”   

Rogers’ presence was announced from the House floor and welcomed by all Mississippi legislators, thanks to Dan Eubanks, bill sponsor of the Stop Pill Trafficking Act.  


Julia Sadik, SFLA Pennsylvania Regional Coordinator, went with a team to speak with legislators during SFLAction’s January lobby day about its pro-life legislation.  

We helped elect Joe D’Orsie, an alumnus of Duquesne University. Ava, the President of Duquesne College Republicans, told D’Orsie about their free speech issues. They have not been allowed to have an SFLA group for 10 years, so they do pro-life events under the College Republican group led by Ava. D’Orsie said he would write a letter to the Duquesne President about allowing free speech and allowing an official Students for Life of America group on campus.   

“When I meet God, my conscience will be clear,” D’Orsie told the group. “This is the one issue that if we don’t stand up for, it will be hot iron.”   


William Anderson, SFLA Midwest Regional Coordinator, and a team of students and volunteers met with legislative assistants of all 33 GOP senators during SFLAction’s Nebraska Lobby Day.  


Morgan Reece, SFLA Michigan Regional Coordinator, traveled to the State Capitol in Lansing, Michigan, to advocate for Students for Life Action’s (SFLAction) Chemical Abortion Prevention Act. Over five hours, they visited the office of every single Republican representative and senator to pass out information packets with SFLAction’s pro-life legislation materials.  

Reece reported, “Between the 75 Republican offices we visited, we spoke with many legislative aides and legislators – all of whom looked happy to see us, and many said they look forward to supporting our bill.”  


On Jan.13, Cori Woods, SFLA Southern Regional Coordinator, participated in the Georgia State Capitol Lobby Day. She provided legislators and staff information on the Protection at Conception Act, Pill Trafficking Act, and other SFLAction’s pro-life legislation.   

“It was a great opportunity; I also saw one of my former students who tabled with me on her campus!” Woods reported. “This was another reminder that we, the people, have to hold our representatives accountable.”    


After our visit, Rep. Shipley became excited to push our Chemical Abortion Act, and it has already been sent to drafting, with plans to use the exact wording as last year to submit to the committee.  

Rep. Jon Dunwell seemed interested in possibly cosponsoring any of our other legislation included in the packages. We also put petitions directly on Senate President Amy Sinclair’s desk. In contrast, Speaker of the House Pat Grassley’s office was not so excited to see them recently stating that abortion should take a back seat to the economy this session. Sen. Sinclair was also our signature to allow our senate letters to be delivered.   


We had a fantastic day, despite freezing weather, to meet with four legislators about the importance of stopping the dangerous trafficking of abortion drugs into Kentucky. They were horrified when they learned how the endocrine disruptors from Chemical Abortion Pills are infesting our water supply, and even more horrified learning what the process of having a toilet bowl abortion is like for women. 

 We gave over 100 packets of literature on these very same topics to every Republican legislator just before some pro-abortion legislators made a move to relegalize the killing of the preborn here in Kentucky. Republican Rep. Ken Fleming is attempting to re-legalize abortion in Kentucky (i.e., filing a bill to add rape/incest/fetal anomaly exceptions to our state laws – his second or third year in a row attempting this). The bill is called HB 203, a bill that would weaken Kentucky’s strong pro-life laws by building loopholes and exceptions for Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. This would undo years of hard work by the pro-life community to make Kentucky an abortion-free state where human lives are protected from the moment of conception onward. Students for Life Action has named Rep. Ken Fleming for being one of Planned Parenthood’s Favorite Republicans.   

While we had some significant wins, the fight is not yet over, and we won’t stop until abortion is unavailable and unthinkable here in Kentucky and nationwide!    


Our Tennessee Lobby Day was a significant success. We met with Rep. Bulso and thanked him for introducing legislation that will if passed, crack down on the dangerous trafficking of Chemical Abortion Pills into Tennessee. After we wrapped up there, two exceptional Middle Tennessee State University students walked around to put a packet on the desk of every single Republican senator and Republican representative urging them to keep Tennessee’s strong protections for the preborn. Despite walking home with cold hands and feet, we all had warm hearts, knowing we could be a strong pro-life presence in Tennessee.   

SFLAction is already off to a great start. We can’t wait to see what Virginia, Idaho, Texas, South Dakota, Arizona, New Hampshire, and Indiana have in store.  

READ: The Abortion Lobby’s Desperate Attempt to Kill: Pilot Program Could Force Pharmacists to Prescribe Chemical Abortion Pills