March 20, 2024

Pennsylvania Republicans BETRAY the Pro-Life Movement Over Human Experimentation Funding Battle


If you’ve been tracking the barbaric science experiments on babies that have been happening at the University of Pittsburgh, which we called out in 2021, you know that Students for Life Action (SFLAction) has been fighting hard to ensure that their funding would be cut off.

In that 2021 announcement, we called on Dr. Anthony Fauci to resign from the National Institute for Health’s (NIH) role in these experiments, which were exposed in a video and testimony by David Daleiden, project lead at the Center for Medical Progress. The investigation found that the University of Pittsburgh purchased infant body parts from abortionists for experimentation.

READ: Students for Life, Students for Life Action Urge Americans to Call on Dr. Fauci to Resign After Barbaric, Taxpayer-Funded Experiments on Babies at University of Pittsburgh Exposed

In response was a strong grassroots groundswell from the pro-life generation and pro-life legislators like Rep. Joe D’Orsie, Rep. Dave Zimmerman, and Rep. Aaron Bernstine leading the charge to stop the University from receiving any further funding. Students for Life Action and pro-life legislators were successful for a time.

However, the Republican leadership in the State Legislature stabbed the pro-life generation in the back.

According to Rep. Zimmerman: “Pennsylvania House Republican leadership played political games, along with House Democrats, to fund the University of Pittsburgh after the revelation of the university’s barbaric fetal research practices. Republican and Democrat leaders combined funding for three universities, including Pitt, into one bill rather than voting on each university separately as is typically done. This pressured legislators to vote for the funding rather than to deny funding for all three universities.”

SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins released a statement, saying: “It is outrageous that Republican leadership would snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and give taxpayer money to a school that is engaging in grotesque research using aborted fetuses.

Make no mistake, Students for Life Action is not taking this lightly, and we will educate voters about what’s been done here, so that they might hold those Republicans accountable who turned their backs on the pro-life movement and took this disgusting action.

Pro-lifers need to send the message that the interests of preborn babies must be held higher than the political ambition of certain politicians.

Students for Life Action will be letting pro-lifers across the state of Pennsylvania know what Republican leadership, including Majority Leader Bryan Cutler, did to support Pitt’s barbaric research into aborted fetuses.”

Politicians who betray pro-life principles and stand in the way of life-saving reformation to abortion laws cannot hide their actions from voters. Many will be joining the ranks of Biden’s Favorite Republicans. This list will be accompanied by opportunities for our supporters and student activists to get involved by engaging in efforts that hold her accountable for betraying pro-life voters in the coming days and weeks.

LEARN MORE: Hold Biden’s Favorite Republicans Accountable