As our nation marks another Veterans Day, Students for Life Action (SFLAction) reminds you that the best way to appreciate these heroes isn’t through discounts, flying the flag, or a hearty handshake (although all those gestures are meaningful in their own way). Instead, when these patriots defend our country, we have a duty to defend their families — this means standing up strongly to the predatory abortion lobby which seeks to kill their children by supporting Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama.
Tuberville has been fighting the good fight against the Biden Administration’s scheme to sneakily pay for military abortions since late 2022 (click HERE to see the entire timeline) when he warned that pro-abortion action by the Department of Defense (DOD) would result in a hold on all pending DOD civilian, general, and flag officer nominees. When the Biden Administration went ahead, inserting abortion coverage into the DOD anyways, Tuberville kept his promise and has held strong ever since.
For maintaining this line of defense, he’s been under constant attack from the abortion lobby in general, the White House, Democrats, and even members of his own party. Yet, keeping with the title that SFLAction awarded him with recently, Tuberville continues to be a pro-life champion. While we have worked to support Tuberville in many different ways, including SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins speaking directly with him over the phone, we wanted to do something more for this national holiday.
In thanks for his refusal to remain silent in the face of injustice, here are several messages from pro-life veterans to Senator Tuberville:
“Senator Tuberville is right to stop the Biden Admin from instituting the government-sanctioned killing of military babies.”
— Joe Sharpe, U.S. Army Veteran
“I support Senator Tuberville. As an Infantry Marine that had combat experience, making taxpayers fund the killing of innocent preborn lives is unacceptable. It disgusts me that the Biden Administration is targeting military families in this way.”
— Nathan Sykes, U.S. Marines Corps Veteran
“Protecting life at all stages — from conception until natural death — is entirely consistent with the Army values and our service at home and abroad to protect the vulnerable among us against all that threatens their existence.”
— Robert Miske, U.S. Army Veteran and Life Runner
“As a combat medic, my #1 mission was to preserve human life; we must align with Senator Tuberville to continue to preserve life of the unborn of our military.”
— Frank Cabrera, U.S. Army Veteran
“Great respect and support for Senator T. Tuberville for standing strong in his commitment to NOT use federal funds to terminate life. We need more leaders like him who stand firm against the ideology of a select few, especially when that ideology promotes something as heinous as taking an innocent life.”
— Richard L. Gross, U.S. Navy Veteran
“When we call “EVIL” good and “GOOD” evil, we are in BIG TROUBLE. We then have lost the sanctity of human life. No taxpayer funding should go for abortions.”
— Allen Hoppe, U.S. Army Veteran
“The role of the U.S. military is to defend our nation and our constitution. Our constitution clearly states three unalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our job is to ensure those rights for all Americans and those to follow. I completely support Senator Tuberville. Abortion has nothing to do with warrior support or readiness.”
— Patrick Maloney, U.S. Army Veteran
“It doesn’t take a uniform to defend the vulnerable. This Marine is proud to stand with Senator Tommy Tuberville as he stands in defense of life. Female service members are incredibly tough. They don’t need abortion to succeed.”
— John Wesley Reid, United States Marine Corps Veteran
This Veterans Day let’s honor those who fight for us by urging our representatives to fight with Tuberville for the sake of the preborn. You can contact your United States Senators to demand that they support Senator Tuberville’s principled stance against the Biden administration’s illegal push for military abortions by clicking HERE.