April 16, 2024

This Week: Students for Life Action Calls on Legislators to Defend Pro-Life Protections

Volunteers and Staff in Arizona to Hold Republicans Feet to the Fire on the Human Rights Issue of our Day 


“Arizona is one of the top battlegrounds for defending preborn lives in 2024. Legislators must do their part to protect the hard-earned win by the State Supreme Court. Today we call on them to hold the line against efforts to strip babies already protected in law of their protections from abortion violence,” said Students for Life of Action Vice President of Political Affairs Chanel Prunier. “The Pro-Life Generation will be on the ground in Arizona, going door to door and neighborhood by neighborhood, to remind the GOP that the pro-life values of their voters cannot and should not be ignored.” 

MEDIA ADVISORY:  REPORTERS ARE INVITED TO PRO-LIFE RALLY WEDNESDAY as Students for Life Action Launches Mobilization Campaign in the districts of Key Legislators Ahead of Debate over Pro-Life Laws

Contact [email protected] for details and to set up interviews. 


PHOENIX, AZ (04-16-2024) – Students for Life Action (SFLAction) is engaging voters and lawmakers alike in Arizona on the critical need to defend the recently upheld abortion restriction laws by the Arizona Supreme Court.  

In a statement, SFLAction Vice President of Political Affairs Chanel Prunier said, “The recent Supreme Court ruling was a major win for life in Arizona, but with abortion on the ballot this November, the protections now in place for preborn life are anything but secure. From now until election day, our army of grassroots volunteers and student activists will rally, door knock, distribute flyers, and engage voters to pressure legislators to defend their existing pro-life laws, and to educate voters about the radical, abortion until birth extremism that will come to Arizona if the pro-life ballot question wins.” 

A news report from NBC suggests Arizona for Abortion Access, the pro-abortion coalition gathering signatures to put abortion on the ballot in November, has met the required threshold, only increasing the urgency of this defense. 

Last week, the Arizona House of Representatives abruptly adjourned when Democrats moved to push forward with a repeal of the state’s pro-life protections. The narrowly divided legislature returns on Wednesday and will be met with a rally of grassroots pro-life supporters. 

Over the past week, in response to reports that a handful of GOP legislators were colluding with Democrats to attempt to reverse pro-life limits on abortion, Students for Life Action launched an advocacy program of calls, text messages, and door knocking to let pro-life voters know what was transpiring and assist them with making their voices heard to their elected officials. These efforts have included: 

  • Legislative flyering and engagement of pro-life voters at their doors in the districts of targeted legislators 
  • Text messages deployed: over 115,000 texts  
  • Phone calls deployed: over 60,000 automated phone calls

As of 8:00 am MT, over 704 constituents in four key districts had utilized SFLAction’s systems in sending emails to their legislators, including 127 constituents of Speaker Toma, urging them to reject attempts to weaken the law.  

Leading up to the debate on Wednesday and beyond, SFLAction staff and volunteers will conduct numerous additional actions, including deploying more calls and texts and knocking additional doors. Our student groups will join other pro-life organizations at a rally Wednesday morning: 

Arizona Right to Life Rally at the Capital Building – April 17 

  • As members of the pro-life movement, we believe in the inherent dignity and value of every innocent human life, from conception to natural death. The rally will include a prayer vigil, time for lobbying and advocacy, a chance to attend a floor session in the House and Senate, and community engagement.  
  • 8 a.m. – noon at Arizona State Capitol, 1700 W Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85007  


“In a desperate attempt to prop up a failing Presidential candidate, the Joe Biden Democrats are going all in on abortion in 2024,” said Prunier. “But this ‘get out the vote’ tactic won’t hide their failures on the economy, the border, foreign policy, or necessities like energy, food, or housing. We call upon Republicans to keep holding the line in protecting life and not let the pro-abortion extremists in Arizona dictate what is ‘acceptable.’” 

Planned Parenthood has already chosen to ignore the ruling, reigniting its Chemical Abortion Pill business, according to a news report from Hoodline , promising to remain open until “the last possible legal moment.” 

Nationwide, abortion is on the ballot and SFLActionis pushing back against ballot initiatives and supporting multiple Decline to Sign” campaigns against the signature collection efforts. These signature and ballot campaigns are often intentionally confusing and are a favored tool of pro-abortion groups.  







The Pro-Life Generation (PLG) is an umbrella organization encompassing the most-cutting edge engagement opportunities for a Vote Pro-Life First Community. PLG includes Students for Life Action (SFLAction), a 501c4, along with its 501c3 sister organization, Students for Life of America (SFLA), that together make up the nation’s largest, pro-life youth organization, managing a grassroots political and policy operation engaging Americans of all ages but with a special emphasis on the largest segment of voters — the Youth Vote. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, PLG/SFLA/SFLAction serves more than 1,400 groups on middle, high school, college, medical, and law school campuses in all 50 states. Our team has more conversations with this generation targeted by the abortion lobby than any other pro-life operation in the world, each week reaching more than 4 million across social media platforms and averaging 1.3 million video views. In addition to SFLA/SFLAction, PLG leads multiple initiatives to lead and serve the future of the pro-life movement including the Campaign for Abortion Free Cities, Standing With You, and the Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement. Over more than 17 years, PLG CEO Kristan Hawkins has grown the operation into a nearly $20M organization, now preparing for an abortion-free America.