While Students for Life Action (SFLAction) was honored to host and hear from many life-affirming legislators in-person at the 2024 National Pro-Life Summit, some had to virtually give the Pro-Life Generation their message — like Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL). That means it’s even easier for you to view his words of encouragement and inspiration online, and you’ll definitely want to take a moment to do so.
You’ll learn how this pro-life champion got involved in the fight for life while coaching and teaching college students and a little bit about how it’s currently going in the Senate as he faces struggles for standing strong for life. Watch his recording below or read the following transcript:
“Hello, Coach Tuberville here, your United States Senator for the great state of Alabama, where we are unapologetically pro- life. I wish I could be with you at the Students for Life National Pro-Life Summit this year, but I’m with you in spirit as you work to protect every human life.
“As some of you know, I spent 40 years as a coach, a teacher, and a mentor to college age students and kids your age. I dedicated my life to college students, working and helping them grow into confident, successful adults. It was deeply, deeply meaningful work, and I loved every minute of it, but some of what I saw as a coach was disturbing.
“My last coaching job, our office building was just around the corner from a Planned Parenthood office. I drove by that abortion clinic, and every day I felt such a profound sense of sadness about what was happening inside. It’s one of the reasons I decided to run for the United States Senate.
“Now that I’m in the Senate, I’m taking on the Biden Administration for their radical — I mean very radical — pro-abortion policies. The DC establishment doesn’t like me too much. They’re not used to somebody standing up to them and fighting, but with your support and your prayers, I will always fight for the right to life.

SFLAction present Sen. Tuberville with a Pro-Life Champion award
“Thank you to Students For Life for organizing this Summit. Thank you for your witness and thank you for your prayers. I believe that you are the Pro-Life Generation. God bless.”
The Pro-Life Generation thanks you, Sen. Tuberville, for rightfully prioritizing the preborn and vulnerable families in the Senate — we need more legislators like you (and that’s what we’re working on as the 2024 elections get closer). Keep up the great work; we will keep up our support!
To learn more about how SFLAction has supported Sen. Tuberville in his fight for the preborn, read two SFLAction blogs entitled “Pro-Life Veterans Have a Message This Veterans Day: Keep Up the Good Work Defending Life, Sen. Tuberville,” and “SFLAction Awards Sen. Tuberville for His Courage & Encourages LACKLUSTER Republicans to Follow His Lead During National Lobby Day.”
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