With all the advancing pro-abortion forces in America – whether in Congress, at the state level, or the front of the Democrat Party Presidential ticket – one might think that Life is losing. Far from it.
In fact, according to reporting from The New York Times, four more abortion facilities are being closed by Planned Parenthood – in deep blue pro-abortion New York State, no less:
“The move was the latest sign of financial struggles for Planned Parenthood’s New York chapter, which also plans to close four clinics around the state, including its sole clinic on Staten Island, Ms. Stark said. The chapter has already instituted executive pay cuts and consolidated job functions.”
Despite all the talk about abortion being on the rise, it feels like more and more we see stories about abortion facilities closing, or the pro-abortion lobby feeling the financial squeeze.
Axios noted that there’s been a massive drop off in donations post-Dobbs in June 2022, saying, “the so-called ‘rage giving‘ slowed last year, Kelley said. The group received $272,000 in individual donations last year compared to $755,000 in 2022, according to the fund’s 2023 impact report.”
Students for Life Action (SFLAction) noted back in February that reports are showing that the ballot abortion initiative cash might also be drying up, too.
Reporting from The Guardian showed that in 2023, 23 abortion facilities closed around the country and 42 closed in 2022.
In Wyoming, there’s only one abortion facility left.
The brick-and-mortar locales closing trend is very positive, and the Pro-Life Generation should celebrate when we see this happen. Is there more work to do? Absolutely – especially because more than six-in-10 abortions now happen because of Chemical Abortion Pills which can be mailed anywhere and carry their own extreme dangers.
The Biden Administration abused their control of the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) to set up No Test, Online Distribution of Chemical Abortion Pills, more and more women are exposed to injury, infertility, death, and abusers, as well as creating potential environmental harms.
The pro-abortion Goliath is stumbling but not defeated – and we know in the end David will win. Until that day comes, there’s still more work to do.