Select a campaign to contact your legislators and encourage them to protect the preborn, women, and families from the violence of abortion.

STOP the Flow of Illegal Abortion Pills into Oklahoma!
In Oklahoma, lives are being saved due to the hard work of pro-life activists and lawmakers who voted to protect ...

Encourage Kansas Legislators to ensure “Protection At Conception” for every baby!
The fight to end abortion in Kansas has just begun! Tell your legislators to support SB 286, a Protection at ...

Urge Legislators to support the Clean Water For All Life Act in Virginia!
By the abortion industry's own estimation, chemical abortion drugs account for roughly half of all abortions. The toxins in these ...

Urge Legislators to support the Clean Water For All Life Act in Idaho!
By the abortion industry's own estimation, chemical abortion drugs account for roughly half of all abortions. The toxins in these ...

End Abortion in Iowa!
Students for Life Action is excited at the gains the Iowa legislature has made to protect preborn life, but we ...

West Virginia – What’s in the water?
By the abortion industry's own estimations, chemical abortion accounts for over half of all abortions, though we cannot know the ...

End Abortion in South Carolina!
Last session, Rep. John McCravy introduced the Human Life Protection Act passed the South Carolina House and its initial Senate ...

End Abortion in North Carolina!
Students for Life Action is excited to support HB 533, Protection at Conception legislation in North Carolina! Despite the fact ...

End Chemical Abortion in Wyoming!
By the abortion industry's own estimation, chemical abortion drugs account for roughly half of all abortions. The toxins in these ...

Encourage Missouri Lawmakers to Stay Strong and Protect Life!
In Missouri, lives are being saved due to the hard work of pro-life activists and lawmakers who voted in favor ...

End Chemical Abortion in Indiana!
Students for Life Action is bringing its bill to end Chemical Abortion violence to Indiana and we need your help! ...

Keep Pro-Life Protections in Kentucky!
In Kentucky, lives are being saved due to the hard work of pro-life activists and lawmakers who voted in favor ...

Encourage North Dakota Lawmakers to Stay Strong and Protect Life!
In North Dakota, lives are being saved due to the hard work of pro-life activists and lawmakers who voted in ...

Encourage South Dakota Lawmakers to Stay Strong and Protect Life!
In South Dakota, lives are being saved due to the hard work of pro-life activists and lawmakers who voted in ...

Keep Pro-Life Protections in Louisiana!
In Louisiana, lives are being saved due to the hard work of pro-life activists and lawmakers who voted in favor ...

End Abortion in Florida!
Students for Life Action urges the pro-life majority in the Florida legislature to quickly move to end abortion violence in ...

End Abortion in Georgia!
Due to activist judges’ decisions, babies are not protected from the violence of abortion in Georgia. Students for Life Action ...

Stop Abortion Extremism in New Hampshire!
The threat to preborn children in New Hampshire is growing, but together we can stop it. Last session, a bill ...

Email to Stop Unethical, Taxpayer Funded Research Using Aborted Babies
In Spring 2021, the Center for Medical Progress released a video explaining disturbing details about government sponsored, taxpayer funded “research” ...

End Late-Term Abortion in Maine!
In MIn Maine, pro-abortion legislators and the abortion lobby passed LD 1619, the Late-Term Abortion Legalization Act last session. This ...