With the election of President-Elect Donald Trump and the U.S. Senate and House majorities going to the Republican Party, the question of what comes next for Students for Life Action (SFLAction) and the pro-life movement is front and center. Our answer is a siege engine against the pro-abortion industry and the Democrats, taking the form of the Make America Pro-Life Again Roadmap.
This legislative package will work in concert with our legal and cultural pursuits to limit and eliminate a method and means of deadly abortion shown to be a risk to both mother and child – something that state and federal governments can still address, even with abortion enshrined in some state constitutions.
Here’s what you need to know about each legislative component of the Make America Pro-Life Again legislative package:
Ending Chemical Abortion Act – H.R. 5806
What’s at Stake:
Chemical Abortion Pills account for more than 60% of all abortions in the United States, largely because of the No Test, Online Distribution of Chemical Abortion Pills pushed by the Biden-Harris Administration. These pills expose women to injury, infertility, death, and abusers and also have 4x the rate of injury and 10x the death rate of surgical abortions.
These drugs could also cause major environmental pollution; in fact, no Federal Drug Administration (FDA) or Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) environmental assessments have been completed to find out definitively.
Some young women have died as even the FDA reports, and a lawsuit has been filed in Nevada because the Chemical Abortion Pills sold by a Planned Parenthood abortion vendor reportedly contributing to a young woman’s death. The FDA also reports numerous side effects.
What The Legislation Does:
If passed and signed into law, the Ending Chemical Abortion Act would:
- Prohibit the use of Chemical Abortion Pills to intentionally end a preborn human life.
Teleabortion Prevention Act – H.R. 421
What’s at Stake:
According to data collected by the Charlotte Lozier Institute, “the rate of abortion-related emergency room visits following a chemical abortion increased over 500% from 2002 through 2015, according to an analysis of Medicaid claims data. Over the same period, chemical abortions within the study population increased from 4.4% to 34.1% of total abortions.”
Today, Chemical Abortion Pills are used for more than 60% of all abortions in the United States.
Medical standards known as REMS – Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy – are in place to prevent injury and death. But women taking these deadly drugs far from the care and monitoring of medical professionals can lead to infertility, injury, or even death. Not to mention the lethal harm Chemical Abortion Pills cause preborn babies.
What The Legislation Does:
If passed and signed into law the Teleabortion Prevention Act would:
- Prohibit the use of telehealth for a life-and-death event, a model that also cuts ultrasound screenings for ectopic pregnancies, checking for abuser coercion, and treating Rh-negative status, all known risks.
- Require a provider who dispenses or prescribes pills for a chemical abortion to physically examine the patient, be physically present at the location of the chemical abortion, and schedule a follow-up visit for the patient.
- Provide an exception for a chemical abortion that is necessary to save the life of a mother whose life is endangered by a physical disorder, illness, injury, or condition.
Clean Water for All Act
*Pending at both the Federal and State level
What’s at Stake:
The toxins in Chemical Abortion Pills are designed to kill children and potentially infiltrating our water supply, according to NIH-published studies such as this one. These drugs contain “endocrine disruptors” that interfere with a body’s hormones and are linked with developmental, reproductive, brain, immune system functions as well as tainting our food supply and harming livestock. They pass into the water system when women flush the remains of their preborn babies into the toilet.
The EPA warns not to flush drugs, chemicals, and even goldfish. Hospitals dispose of placentas carefully as medical waste, and brick-and-mortar abortion vendors are supposed to follow state laws with human remains. Meanwhile, abortion pill mills send women away to bleed and flush tainted blood, tissue, and human remains into our environment.
Wastewater facilities are NOT required to test for the presence of RU-486, misoprostol, hormones, or other chemical pollutants that may affect the health of people and animals.
What The Legislation Does:
If passed and signed into law, both at the federal and state level, the Clean Water for All Act would:
- Require Red Bag Medical Waste clean-up of the chemically tainted blood, placenta tissue, and human remains from Chemical Abortions, now commonly flushed into America’s wastewater.
- Hold the abortion industry accountable for allowing potentially dangerous chemicals into our water supply such as RU-486, misoprostol, hormones, or other chemical pollutants which could affect the health of people, animals, and our food supply chain.
Protecting Life on College Campus Act – H.R. 435 and S. 16
What’s at Stake:
Data gathered from the Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement shows that more than 87% of Planned Parenthood facilities are located within five miles of a college campus. The targeting strategy is clear. However, so is what young people think of the dangers posed by unrestricted, unregulated access to abortion. In a separate Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement poll, 60% surveyed supported a requirement for in-person care to prevent Chemical Abortion Pills from getting into the hands of abusers and used on women without their knowledge.
College campuses shouldn’t be turned into vending machines for these lethal and dangerous pills.
What The Legislation Does:
If passed and signed into law, the Protecting Life on College Campus Act would:
- Prevent the restructuring of student health centers into abortion vendor operations.
- Stop corporate abortion from misusing colleges and universities as a place to market and sell Chemical Abortion Pills.
- Prevent federal taxpayer dollars from being awarded to schools where innocent preborn life is ended.
Pregnant Students’ Rights Act - H.R.6914
What’s at Stake:
Female college students who get pregnant feel immense pressure to choose between their education and motherhood. If they’re unmarried or single, they’re often told their only option is to abort. CDC data shows that almost one third of all abortions in the United States are performed on college age women between 20 and 24.
Women deserve better choices than just abortion or educational or career failure – in fact, the Charlotte Lozier Institute’s data shows that women would choose life if better support was available: “60% would have preferred to give birth if they had received either more emotional support or had more financial security.”
What The Legislation Does:
If passed and signed into law, the Pregnant Students’ Rights Act would:
- Demand that schools include information on their Title IX Rights as part of their student resources.
- Help pregnant women on college campuses finish their degrees and achieve their career goals while choosing life and embracing motherhood.
Stopping Traffickers and Their Accomplices Act – S. 959 and H.R. 8459
What’s at Stake:
Chemical Abortion Pills are abusers’ dream drugs, giving them the power to end a mother’s pregnancy without her knowledge or consent. In a survey from The Charlotte Lozier Institute, 67% of women described their abortions as against their values, unwanted, or coerced.
In another instance that was recently in the headlines, a Texas man slipped Chemical Abortion Pills into his wife’s drink to induce an abortion, only got 180 days (about six months) in prison.
Because Chemical Abortion Pills are used for more than 60% of all abortions in the United States, more abuse and coercion occurs, behind closed doors.
What The Legislation Does:
If passed and signed into law, the Stopping Traffickers and Their Accomplices Act would:
- Empower law enforcement to address the use of Chemical Abortion Pills on women who are given these drugs without their knowledge or consent.
- Amend the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 to require abortion providers to notify the National Human Trafficking Hotline of victims of trafficking, and for other purposes.
Life at Conception Act – H.R.431
What’s at Stake:
More than nine in 10 abortions occur by 12 weeks (three months) according to CDC data, meaning that the oft-offered compromise of a 15-week abortion law won’t cut it. We need a true standard for protecting preborn life, and it’s a basic scientific reality that a new life begins when sperm and egg unite.
The American College of Pediatricians has said in no uncertain terms that: “Human life begins at conception—fertilization. At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop.” A separate, NIH published study reports: “Biologists from 1,058 academic institutions around the world assessed survey items on when a human’s life begins and, overall, 96% (5337 out of 5577) affirmed the fertilization view. The founding principles of the field Science Communication suggest that scientists have an ethical and professional obligation to inform Americans, as well as people around the world, about scientific developments so members of the public can be empowered to make life decisions that are consistent with the best information available.”
Life at Conception is the pro-science position.
What The Legislation Does:
- Prevents abortions from the moment of conception, establishing personhood at that time and ensuring that if the life of the mother is in danger, that her life is protected as well.
- “Implements equal protection for the right to life of each born and preborn human person, and pursuant to the duty and authority of the Congress.”
- This includes Congress’ power under Article I, Section 8, to make necessary and proper laws, and Congress’ power under Section 5 of the 14th Article of the amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which declares that the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being.
- However, nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize the prosecution of any woman for the death of her preborn child.
Upgraded Version of Louisiana’s Protecting Women Law
What’s at Stake:
As has been discussed previously in this article, Chemical Abortion Pills are exceptionally dangerous for a multitude of reasons. Between 5-7% of women who take Chemical Abortion Pills will need a follow-up surgery to end the pregnancy. An Australian study noted that up to 8% of women who took the pills in that country ended up in an emergency room.
The abortion industry even reports similar math. A law requiring doctors to prescribe them directly will not fully stop Chemical Abortion Pills being used for abortions, unfortunately. But doctors will now have to work with women and put their own reputations on the line to suggest abortion. Women will now have the time they need to carefully consider and think over the irreversible and devastating decision to abort their preborn child. More lives will be saved.
What The Legislation Does:
- Using The Catherine and Josephine Herring Act SB276 passed in Louisiana as a framework, the legislation would reclassify mifepristone and misoprostol as Schedule IV controlled dangerous substances and making them a “medication” that can only be administered by a doctor.
Pill Trafficking Prevention Act
What’s at Stake:
Chemical Abortion Pills are unfortunately widespread across the country, thanks to their widespread use and distribution through the mail. Chemical Abortion Pills are often mailed in from states where abortion is still legal, circumventing a state’s strong pro-life laws. Consider the laws in:
- Texas: “Mifepristone will remain on the market but approved only for use up to seven weeks of pregnancy, versus 10 weeks, and it cannot be prescribed by telehealth or mailed, which were already illegal in Texas.” Source: https://www.texastribune.org/2023/04/13/texas-fda-abortion-drugs/
- Georgia: “Georgia patients must go through a medical clinic to receive abortion medication. You could face significant legal repercussions if you access a pill without consulting a medical provider first.” Source: https://www.womensclinicofatlanta.com/is-it-legal-to-receive-an-abortion-pill-by-mail-in-georgia/?post_type=blog_post
- Florida: “Florida’s law blocks that and prevents anyone from ordering them online. The law states, “any medications intended to cause abortions must be dispensed in person by a physician and may not be dispensed through the United States Postal Service or by any other courier or shipping service.” Source: https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/healthcare/2023/04/14/abortion-pills-florida-mifepristone-misoprostol-what-they-are-how-get-them/7766021001/
More than nine in 10 millennials and Gen Z voters rejected the Biden-Harris Administration’s FDA policy that got rid of health and safety standards protecting women’s lives and fertility – and thus the environment that leads to the online distribution of Chemical Abortion pills.
That’s why SFLAction tackled initiatives to raise awareness about the dangers of Chemical Abortion Pills on the environment, in addition to supporting legislation like Oklahoma’s HB 3013, or Missouri’s HB 735, both of which are designed to reinforce existing laws and create news one to prevent the distribution and trafficking of these lethal drugs.
What The Legislation Does:
Discourages out-of-state abortionists from mailing pills to life-protecting states through a framework of civil liability and criminal penalties as a deterrent. It also notes that women harmed by Chemical Abortion Pills have an on-going cause of action against the person/business that sold/distributed the Chemical Abortion Pills. Advertisers who push abortion-causing medicines or devices could also be charged under this law.
Chemical Abortion Prevention Act
What’s at Stake:
Their ubiquity as an abortifacient and the side effects it can cause represent a clear and present danger to millions of lives, preborn and born, and restricting their use for abortion is the most sensible way to save lives.
What The Legislation Does:
- Modeled after the successfully introduced and passed SF 109, “Prohibiting Chemical Abortions,”, created by SFLAction and introduced by Wyoming State Sen. Tim Salazar, would explicitly and fully protect preborn babies and their mothers from the disastrous effects of Chemical Abortion Pills.
- Additionally, physicians prescribing deadly Chemical Abortion Pills would face fines or possibly jail time for violating the law.
There’s nothing stopping those who care about mothers and children from acting to defend and protect life: the ballot initiative wins and losses, and who controls the balance of power in Congress and Washington won’t change that.
For those who want to protect Life in law and service, this is your chance to get involved; the Pro-Life Generation have our sleeves rolled up and ready to get back to work.