“When faced with a call for accountability and principled leadership from the Pro-Life Generation, sadly too many Republicans failed to protect the most vulnerable in our society by sidestepping the Human Life Protection Act. Though detested by many in the legislature, our spines delivered to the capital proved to be all too necessary as many could not face a vote to ensure life is a right all should be afforded. We need leaders who don’t just say they’re pro-life, but cast their vote with conviction for the preborn, and we look forward to repeatedly reminding Republican primary voters what’s happened here today,” said Dustin Curtis, SFLAction Vice President of Political Affairs & Operations.
CLICK HERE to read SFLAction’s blog
WASHINGTON, D.C. (04-27-2023) – The major grassroots mobilizer, Students for Life Action (SFLAction), has actively engaged with South Carolina leaders and residents on H.3774, the Human Life Protection Act, through door knocking, mail, phone calls, multiple lobby days, petitions, press conferences, and most notably – deliveries of spine models.
Covered across local and national news outlets, SFLAction’s spine models brought to South Carolina legislators might have jabbed their egos, but it prompted a vote on the Human Life Protection Act and exposed which leaders sought to stonewall efforts and which ones wanted to stand for life.
“Our rapid response reached tens of thousands of voters in person in a matter of days, as well as over 100,000 through calls and texts. But when faced with the pressure to have a backbone for innocent lives in the womb, legislators begrudgedly took action by pushing off the bill to next session,” added Curtis.
Since the organization’s last delivery of spines to push the needle on this life-saving bill, SFLAction interns and volunteers have engaged in regular door knocking on the weekends to connect with residents and educate them on the rising abortions being committed in the state.
SFLAction said previously that all preborn children deserve legal protection and stalling this bill would be a failure to every pro-lifer in South Carolina as more than 5,400 abortions were reported in 2020 alone.
With plans underway to continue canvassing, SFLAction is not giving up in South Carolina and backing down to the predatory abortion industry. “We’ll make sure we continue the fight and repeatedly remind Republican primary voters what’s happened today as we enter primary election season,” Curtis said.
Kristan Hawkins and former Chairman of the SC Republican Party Chad Connelly’s op-ed entitled ‘SC Legislature shouldn’t compromise on protecting all life’ CLICK HERE.
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Students for Life Action (SFLAction), a 501c4, along with its 501c3 sister organization, Students for Life of America (SFLA), make up the nation’s largest pro-life youth organization and a political and policy operation engaging people of all ages. Together they work to end abortion — the human rights issue of our day — and provide political, legal, and community support for women and their children, born and preborn. Headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, SFLA has more than 1,300 groups on middle, high school, college, university, medical, and law school campuses in all 50 states. SFLA creates strategy, policy, and programming to connect those most targeted for abortion with people ready to help and builds a framework for political engagement on their behalf. SFLA and SFLAction have more conversations with those most targeted by the abortion industry than any other pro-life outreach in the world, reaching more than 2 million people across social media platforms each week and engaging in approximately 100,000 digital conversations per month. Over more than 16 years, President Kristan Hawkins has grown SFLAction/SFLA into an $18 million organization preparing for a Post-Roe America.