How the Democratic Party is Propping up Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and crazy downballot candidates with abortion.
If you follow our social media and news site, you’ve seen that Students for Life Action (SFLAction) tracks the ongoing attempts by the pro-abortion lobby to put abortion on the ballot nationwide through signature collection campaigns and ballot initiatives. Pro-abortion groups often take advantage of intentionally confusing ballot language to push for nearly limitless abortion in states with ballot referendums.
These campaigns are also (allegedly) serving a useful purpose for the Democrat Party: to save President Joe Biden’s flailing re-election campaign.
This is a perspective we’ve shared on social media previously, and one SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins has shared during podcasts and interviews.
But now, even the media is saying it out loud: The Democrat Party doesn’t really seem to care about women or abortion, they just plan to use it to win the election in swing states.
Context News reports in a recent article, “U.S. activists are racing to secure direct votes to protect abortion rights alongside the November presidential election in about a dozen states, moves that Democrats hope could help President Joe Biden’s prospects of re-election.”
It’s a sentiment that’s echoed in Teen Vogue, “Alexis Dorman, president of the College Democrats in Florida, sees it, this ballot measure could become a resource to tackle low turnout. ‘I think that regardless of party affiliation, people support abortion access,’ Dorman tells Teen Vogue. ‘Even if they don’t support abortion, they don’t support the government being involved in their decisions. It really is a selling point for a lot of people to turn out to vote.’”
None of this should be surprising given the Democrat Party’s nearly singular focus on the issue of abortion in 2024.
Joe Biden made the issue the cornerstone of his State of the Union Speech. Vice President Kamala Harris has made 10 campaign stops focused on the issue. The Democrats are running campaign ads targeting President Trump because of his comments on the issue.
Everywhere we look, the Democrats are talking about abortion – and we’ve written previously about how that could backfire, given the way The Youth Vote feels about abortion.
READ: The Democrats Are Gambling Everything on Abortion Ballot Initiatives – That Could Backfire
It’s no surprise then that the states where abortion is on the ballot are states where the Democrats need the most help – including Democrat leaning or controlled states that already have open abortion policies, including:
- Maryland, where they face a competitive general election race for the Senate seat that former Republican Governor Larry Hogan is running for
- Colorado, where Democrats see an opportunity to seize competitive House seats from Republicans like Lauren Boebert.
Meanwhile, in swing states:
- Arizona, has only a competitive Senate seat up for grabs, and it’s also a highly watched swing state for the Presidential election.
- Missouri, the Democrats are trying to take out Senator Josh Hawley, who previously took out the long-serving Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill.
- Florida, where the Democrats want to undo the Republican Party’s dominance over a once easy swing state from previous elections – and Donald Trump’s home turf.
TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WHERE ABORTION IS ON THE BALLOT, READ: Abortion IS on the Ballot: The Top Pro-Life Ballot Initiatives for 2024
The Pro-Life Generation sees the strategy for what it is: a cynical get-out-the-vote campaign for Democrats that cannot run on any other issue: not immigration, not the economy, not foreign policy. Nothing.
And that’s why we’re fighting back in multiple ways.
We’ve launched resource kits to help to help push back against ballot initiatives and signature collection efforts undertaken by the pro-abortion lobbyists across the country.
For those who mistakenly signed up for the pro-abortion lobby by accident, Students for Life of America (SFLA) has launched an effort to get signatures removed from these ballot initiatives at AbortionBallot.org. The website has specifics on how each state handles signature withdrawal requests.
READ: Signature Collection Campaigns Rely on Confusion: But You Can Undo That Mistake
As ever, our grassroots army has been hard at work, educating voters, engaging lawmakers, and supporting pro-life legislation. That’s included hundreds of doors knocked in Nebraska, a successful primary election push in West Virginia, voter outreach in Arizona, and more.
READ: Students for Life Action Grassroots Recap: Louisiana, Nebraska, Missouri, and Arizona
Through the remainder of the 2024 election cycle, SFLAction will engage and educate lawmakers and voters alike on the best ways to protect pre-born life in law and in service. And a big part of this strategy is engaging the Youth Vote – which now makes up more than one third of the American electorate, the largest voting bloc.
To learn more about SFLAction’s Engagement of the Youth Vote, click here.