October 21, 2022
Students for Life Action (SFLAction) has been on the road and at doorsteps across the country for the past several weeks in preparation for the midterm elections, and along the way, our staff and students have acquired some great stories to tell. You meet a lot of interesting people when canvassing for #VoteProLifeFirst — here are our top ten stories:
- Our Nebraska canvassers got to meet Christy Armendariz, a candidate running for State Senate on footsteps of her very own door while in her neighborhood comparing her pledge to vote pro-life against her opponents’ abortion extremism. What a great surprise! Nebraska’s legislature was just one vote away from overcoming a Democratic filibuster and passing an abortion law this past session so pro-life candidates like Christy Armendariz will be essential next session.
- A woman in Pennsylvania was surprised at how radically pro-abortion State Representative Chris Saintato’s voting record is in Pennsylvania, and she asked for extra door literature to share at her church on Sunday to alert others.
- SFLAction team members met a pro-life voter who provided all the meals for Kaitlyn Ruch’s campaign events. Ruch is our SFLAction captain who is running for State House in Montana at just the age of 18 — that’s right; SFLAction creates go-getters for the pro-life movement.
- In Ohio, our team knocked on the door of a staffer for the abortion extremist Representative Tim Ryan, who’s currently running for U.S. Senate. The staffer was shocked and upset that we were exposing Ryan’s radical pro-abortion voting record — and that’s because he knows most Americans oppose Ryan and the abortion lobby’s agenda.
- We did have a sad story while door knocking in North Carolina. One of our activists who was knocking doors for the first time spoke to an elderly woman who was unable to conceive on her own so she adopted a daughter. Years later, her adopted daughter was pregnant with twins, and the woman was so excited to move closer to and help her daughter in this unexpected blessing of a pregnancy. However, her daughter aborted the twins. Her story brought both our activist and the woman to tears, and she thanked us afterwards for listening to her story. She also told us she was encouraging as many friends to #VoteProLifeFirst in hopes that North Carolina will be in a better position to make abortion unavailable and unthinkable after the elections.
- In Pennsylvania, one of the voters we spoke to was the chairman of the local Republican Party. He was so encouraged and excited about our activism that he bought our team lunch.
- Another voter in Nebraska shared her story about how she wasn’t supposed to have kids but ended up having two of her own. She thanked us for knocking doors in support of the issue she cares about the most.
- An older gentleman in Scranton, Pennsylvania (President Biden’s backyard and a bellwether county) thanked the team for doing God’s work, gave us rosaries, and told us we were going to Heaven.
- In Minnesota, a father changed his mind at the door with our activists after he learned a Democrat candidate opposed Parental Notification laws — something every parent should be concerned about.
- One voter in Pennsylvania told us that he always voted for a certain Democrat — but when one of our activists informed him of the Democrat’s vote to allow taxpayer funding of abortion and to keep funding the University of Pittsburgh’s barbaric fetal research, he changed his mind. He said, “Oh, I won’t vote for him then. Thanks for the heads up.”
To join our next round of activism trips before the election, CLICK HERE!
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