October 4, 2023

Yes, We’re Coming for Your Vote – The Great PRO-LIFE Ballot Chase of 2024


Much has been said about ballot chasing and voter registration pushes in the last few elections. They have surged in popularity, reaching 50.3% of all votes cast in the 2020 presidential election. To some, this trend is a scourge of democracy, a dirty, underhanded trick to steal elections or stuff the ballot boxes. To others (or even the very same people a few years later), it is the golden ticket to winning elections in the age of mail-in voting. 

To Students for Life Action (SFLAction), ballot chasing and voter registration pushes are an opportunity to not only help build the most effective pro-life ground game in the nation, but to educate more voters about the inhumanity of abortion and what can be done to beat it – from the state houses to the White House. Since 2006, we have trained and recruited almost 185,000 activists.

This fall and through next year, SFLAction and our sister organization Students for Life of America will be visiting communities, campuses, and major events to rally the youth vote, register voters, and establish a world-class (and LEGAL) ballot harvesting operation for the 2024 general election and beyond. We’re actively recruiting not just volunteers and members for our campus groups, but also Campus Coordinators and Social Media Captains, too.  

We’ve been busy in 2023 so far – a campus tour is already under our belts, multiple fruitful visits with national leaders in Congress, along with numerous visits on our Stop Abortion Extremism Tour. We’re not slowing down, and no amount of assaults and vandalism is going to change that.  

Last week, SFLAction was in Washington D.C. for the introduction of The Ending Chemical Abortion Act, where volunteers and staff also visited with members of Congress. We will be back there on October 18 for Expose Late Term Abortion Day and a day of lobbying on Capitol Hill. And again in early 2024 for our National Pro-Life Summit. 

SFLAction was in Ohio taking a stand for life last month as the Heartbeat Abortion Protection law was taken up by the Ohio Supreme Court – and we will stay in Ohio for canvassing, door knocking, and get-out-the-vote efforts heading into the November election. Just like we are in Virginia, as part of the larger Stop Abortion Extremism Tour, which is also set to visit Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and South Carolina over the next two weeks.  

 SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins is also visiting American college campuses on her “I’m Coming For Your Abortion Access” tour, where she will visit: 

She will also be speaking with numerous presidential candidates on her Explicitly Pro-Life podcast too – stay tuned for that.  

If it seems like SFLAction is everywhere and doing everything – it’s because for the next few months, we are. Winning elections takes work and lots of man-hours – but we have the best people who believe dearly in the most important human rights issue of our time. We will prove to the nation that life is not only worth defending but is a winning issue politically – despite the naysaying, squishy moderates that make up Biden’s Favorite Republicans 

We’re building that thousand strong volunteer army across the country – as we’ve told the candidates running for President that our vote (and our extensive resources) are up for grabs.  

To learn how you can get involved in state and local campaigns, click HERE. And to get involved at the federal level, click HERE.