June 21, 2024

Pro-Life Generation Wins Since Roe v. Wade Fell 

June 24 marks the second anniversary of Roe v. Wade’s fall. Founded as a post-Roe human rights organization, we knew that day was coming. And from that day, Pro-Life Generation (PLG) rolled up our sleeves and got to work – state by state, through legislative campaigns, grassroots mobilization, national awareness, federal action, and legal intervention. And that’s only the beginning. While the mainstream media and abortion profiteers have mourned Roe’s demise, the Pro-Life Generation knows we are better off today than the day before Roe fell because the sky is the limit as we seek to make abortion unthinkable and unavailable.  

This is a marathon, not a sprint, and gradually, we are moving the Overton window, taking the fight to abortion radicals. But don’t take our word for it. Look at the Students for Life of America (SFLA) and Students for Life Action (SFLAction) wins over the last two years.   

1. Less Abortions and More Babies Saved!  

Over nearly 50 years, more than 65 million babies lost their lives due to Roe v. Wade legal malpractice. Its reversal yielded the greatest win of all: As reported in 2023, more than 30,000 preborn babies saved and granted the opportunity to experience life, no matter how long or how short, because every life matters.

That averages to 5,377 fewer abortions or 5,377 babies saved every month.   

Now that we’re in 2024, who knows how much higher that number is. Indiana recently saw a heavy decrease in abortions, reporting a 98% decrease and Arkansas Department of Health reported no abortions in 2023.  

2. Chemical Abortion Pills Under Fire: Bringing Environmental Concerns to Light 

Roe’s fall sparked the conversation around the severe mental and physical harms of Chemical Abortion Pills, which ends the life of a preborn child with a two-drug regimen. The first drug, mifepristone, starves the child, and the second drug expels the baby from its mother’s womb. 

Let’s not neglect addressing the PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals” from Chemical Abortion Pills that pollute our environment, harming, men, women, children, and other species, when the baby is flushed down the toilet.  

Here’s some of the ground we’ve covered:  

  • Argued the dangers of Chemical Abortion Pills for endangered species in an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in the U.S. Food & Drug Administration v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine.  
  • Filed FOUR citizen petitions with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the harms of abortion to women, girls, the preborn, endangered species, and the environment. These are a prerequisite to legal action against the pro-abortion weaponization of the FDA’s policies. 
  • Submitted legal analysis to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) detailing reasons to track the active metabolites in Chemical Abortion Pills. 
  • Co-wrote a letter with Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America following up on our letter, calling on Congress to demand that the EPA track the “forever chemicals” in the first of the two drugs used to cause an abortion with pills. A coalition of 40 pro-life leaders signed on.  
  • Engaged in a series of campaigns in recent years, including This is Chemical Abortion, as Chemical Abortion Pills became the number one cause of direct abortion death in America and worldwide. Last year, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals demanded protections for women exposed to these drugs in what we called “pro-science and “one small step for women, but short the giant leap needed for all.” 
  • Spearheaded more than 10 one-on-one sessions with state attorneys general, detailing the illegal pill markets in their states. And right now, Arkansas’ Attorney General has issued a cease-and-desist letter to pill pushers.  
  • Changed minds on Chemical Abortion Pills, as The Washington Post along with ABC News put out a poll in May 2023 that nearly 40% of participants are concerned with these drugs. This follows up SFLA’s YouGov polling showing that by margins of nine in 10, registered Youth Voters support health and safety standards and environmental protections when it comes to Chemical Abortion Pills. And this effort includes campus tours where minds are being changed!  
  • Encouraged members of Congress to act on abortion pollution. In a letter spearheaded by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Oklahoma Rep. Josh Brecheen, they worked off our actions by confronting the EPA on their lack of tracking mifepristone. 
  • Championed legislation addressing deadly pills at the state and federal levels (read on!). 

3. Legislative State Wins 

The widening of the Overton window at the state and federal level changed the game on what was legislatively possible. With Roe defeated, The Life at Conception Act (SB 612) in Oklahoma became the primary prohibition for abortion, which allows a person convicted of performing or attempting to perform an abortion to be charged with a felony punishable by a $100,000 fine or face up to 10 years of imprisonment. 

Let’s not forget the Heartbeat Abortion Prevention ActSB 300, enacted in Florida, which protects preborn babies and delivers millions in funding for Florida’s Pregnancy Care NetworkThe legislation protects human beings with the universal sign of life: A confirmed heartbeat. 

Some pro-life, SFLAction championed, encouraged, and supported bills include, but are not limited to, the following:  

Idaho took abortion radicals to the U.S. Supreme Court with the State of Idaho v. The United States case about EMTALA, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, which requires hospitals to care for all Emergency Room patients, regardless of their ability to pay. Abortion radicals thought that abortion should be included in the “care” aspect of the act, which is hardly healthcare at all. While we’re waiting for the SCOTUS decision, we’re glad Idaho held the line, as SFLA was at the U.S. Supreme Court supporting Idaho.   

Bills defeated include:  

  • CACR 23 in New Hampshire. If it passed, abortion before and after 24 weeks (about 5 and a half months) would’ve been legalized and would’ve allowed virtually unlimited abortions. 
  • Oklahoma’s legislative attempt to water down existing pro-life laws. 
  • The infamous eugenics Right to IVF Act, which would allow gene editing, Sex selection human cloning among other things, was voted down in the U.S. Senate.  
  • The Right to Contraception Act, S. 4381, which contained vague language opening the door to demanding abortifacients be available by mislabeling them as ‘contraception,’ was voted down by the U.S. Senate.  

4. Legislative Federal Wins 

Roe v. Wade created a “right” to abortion when seven U.S. Supreme Court Justices wrongly said that a “right to abortion” existed in the U.S. Constitution, apparently written in invisible ink, and after 1973, judges used that to block almost all state involvement on the Life issue. When Roe fell, states could now pass pro-life laws. At the federal level, abortion is an issue because of the need to end the radical bias in favor of abortion in policy and programs, and the necessity of defending and debarring Planned Parenthood and other abortion vendors. The loss of more than 65 million to intentional abortion makes this an issue for every level of government. Look at our impact on federal legislation: 

  • In the U.S. Food & Drug Administration Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine case, the justices did NOT weigh in on the heart of the issue — the dangers of deadly Chemical Abortion Pills — which means that the case can go back to Texas to enlarge the discussion and the number of victims. But Justices Alito and Thomas noted that conscience rights for pro-life medical professionals are a protection they have. This is especially good news as the Democratic Party leadership attacks such protections in the dangerous and deadly Women’s Health Protection Act, better known as the “Women’s Health Endangerment Act.”
  • Students for Life Action inspired legislation, the Pregnant Students’ Rights Act, was introduced in the U.S. House by Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA). In the U.S. Senate, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has the leading role. This is the FIRST SFLAction inspired bill to be addressed in committee and headed for a vote. 
  • SFLAction applauded the U.S. House for passing life-saving law and condemning abortion extremism through the passage of H. Con. Res. 3 and H.R. 26

In addition to calling for Planned Parenthood to be defunded and debarred, SFLAction has been working to advance:  


Other bills that we have supported and are monitoring for passage include: 

  • Mothers and Infants Financial Security Act  
  • Love Them Both Act  
  • Pregnancy Is Not an Illness Act of 2023  
  • Women’s Right To Know Act of 2023  
  • Electing Pro-Life Leaders in 2024  

Our extensive grassroots efforts of door knocking, flyering, and informing voters have contributed to many election and primary wins at the State and Federal levels, including: 

5. Innovative Programming; Ballot Initiatives  

The pro-abortion lobby put abortion on the ballot nationwide through signature collection and ballot initiatives accompanied by confusing language that voters are unfamiliar with. Don’t worry, SFLAction has been hard at work with that, too. We released resource kits to help push back against ballot initiatives and signature collection efforts undertaken by abortion advocates, as well as going door to door to inform voters.  

SFLA Spokesperson Carrena Falls testified in her home state of Minnesota against ERA, the “Equal Rights Amendment.” Thankfully, the amendment failed and wasn’t put on the ballot. We also defeated the ballot referendums in the following states:

  • New Hampshire
  • Maine
  • Louisiana
  • Kentucky
  • New York

6. Free Speech Win Years in the Making  

Earlier this year, SFLA successfully settled a free-speech lawsuit against East Career Technical Academy (ECTA) and the Clark County School District (CCSD) with the help of Thomas More Society and the O’Mara Law Firm.

This was a lawsuit ongoing for years, when Plaintiff Felipe Avila, former president of the ECTA SFLA chapter, said he was harassed and threatened in the hallways and online, and even stalked by a peer. ECTA Students for Life will finally have the same privileges and rights as other student clubs and spread the message of life.  

7. Holding Planned Parenthood Accountable 

How could we forget our favorite abortion giant to go after?  

Next on our list in 2025: Defunding and debarring Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities nationwide., as well as encouraging more laws which puts even more abortion facilities out of business.

We’re Far from Done 

Just because the fight isn’t over doesn’t mean we haven’t won any ground. We have more wins than we have time to count. We’re a worthy and strong force for the pro-life movement, and the Pro-Life Generation has no intention of stopping.  

Now that, you can take our word for.  

READ: Pro-Abortion Democrats Don’t Get It: Polls Show Most Americans Support Roe v. Wade Reversal